The details regarding July’s Pokemon Community day have been released and it will heavily feature Mudkip. The Community day will be on the 21st of July which is a Sunday and will be a great opportunity to get your hands on the elusive SHiny Mudkip.
This heavy feature of Mudkip will grant you the chance to collect as many Mudkip candies as possible and you can even collect enough of them to evolve into a Marshtomp or even a Swampert.
Community Days in Pokemon Go offer the chance of spawning a great number of a featured pokemon which trainers might find difficult to find, also these are predetermined which gives the trainers the time needed to plan out how they are going to plan out and collect the pokemon on this particular day.
The event will begin at 4 pm and will conclude to 7 pm which will, Mudkip is a water type pokemon and this cute critter can surprise with some of his abilities but is best when you evolve into Marshtomp and if possible try to go for Swampert.
You will have plenty of chances to do so this coming Community Day so make sure that you push enough to evolve Mudkip and see him transform into one of the best water type Pokemon you can have.