PLS DONATE Redeem Codes (April 2024)

Here are all the codes that you can use for PLS DONATE for Roblox.

Here are all the active PLS DONATE codes that you can redeem for rewards! In this game developed by @haz3mn, you can claim a stand. You can also set clothes or gamepasses for sale. And it even allows you to donate or get Robux, so without further ado, let’s get right into it.


pls donate codes

Checked for new codes on April 08, 2024. But Roblox codes tend to expire in 2 to 3 days. We will be updating new codes as they are released.

Active PLS DONATE Codes

  • quataun – Redeem this code to get 50 Giftbox (NEW)
  • plsdonate2 – Redeem this code to get 20 Giftbox
  • pd2024: Redeem this code to get Exclusive 2024 Booth!
  • lazarbeam: Redeem this code to get a Lazar Beam booth.
  • pixel – Redeem this code to get a booth

Expired Codes

You can no longer use these codes to get freebies in PLS DONATE.

  • alienevent23: Redeem this code to get Free UFO Booth!
  • projectsupreme50: Redeem this code to get 50 Giftbux
  • iloveeagleeyes10: Redeem this code to get 10 Giftbux
  • steak15: Redeem this code to get 15 Giftbux.
  • olixolix10: Redeem this code to get 10 Giftbux.
  • plsdonatenews10: Redeem this code to get 10 Giftbux.
  • ggliquate10: Redeem this code to get 10 Giftbux.
  • valentine2023: Redeem this code to get a Valentine themed booth.
  • hazem20: Redeem this code to get 20 Giftbux.
  • qtn15: Redeem this code to get 15 Giftbux.

Also Read | How To Change Test Color & Font In PLS DONATE

How to Redeem the Codes?

how to redeem pls donate codes

  1. Launch PLS DONATE from Roblox.
  2. Click on the Redeem button on the left side of the main screen.
  3. This will open a Redeem Code popup.
  4. Type or paste the above codes in the Code textbox.
  5. Click on the Redeem button.

The game will check whether the code you used is still valid or if it expired. If it works then you will get your rewards.

How to Get More Codes

You can check for new codes on Developer’s Twitter @haz3m_ and on their Discord Server. I also suggest you bookmark this page if you play this game often. We regularly add new codes for such games if they are available. So it should help you find these codes faster.

That covers this guide on all PLS DONATE codes for Roblox and how to Redeem them. You should also check out our Roblox section to get help on other such games. Also, check out our Roblox game codes and Roblox promo codes for more.