Video Game Guides

Does Path of Exile Have Crossplay

Path of Exile crossplay functionality has been up in debate. Check out if Path of Exile has crossplay functionality right here

Does Path of Exile have crossplay? Can you play Path of Exile with your friends on a different system, all of these questions have been trending recently and our guide will help to clarify all your doubts about Crossplay in Path of Exile.

Does Path of Exile Have Crossplay

Well, as of writing this article Crossplay is a feature not supported by Path of Exile. Players on different consoles cannot play together and this is due to the fact that each console delivers a different experience and that might prove to be the main problem in Path of Exile.

Though without the crossplay option available right now, there seems to be the hope of Crossplay feature being implemented in the future.

While it is still in the air, Path of Exile offers a ton of things for players to do in the dungeon crawler experience. In Nov 2018, producer and developer Chris Wilson said, “We want to focus on our design and implementation based on the system that people are playing on. We also don’t want to create any type of advantage or disadvantage because the game will play vastly different depending on your choice of system.”

It doesn’t look like crossplay will be added on while a sequel is in the works and a beta version of it coming in late 2020. This beta might help to answer more questions than Path of Exile did.

Path of Exile 2 will be a continuation of the original game, it will be interesting to see if the game will corporate Crossplay feature when it releases in the future.

We will keep you updated with all the latest news about crossplay functionality in Path of Exile in the future. Make sure to check out Gamer Tweak for more information about all the latest games.

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Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at

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