
Best Google Pacman Doodle Game Mods, Hacks & 30th Anniversary Cheats

Here's all we know about Google Pacman Mods, Hacks & Cheats.

Since its initial release in 1980, Pacman has become a cult legacy symbol in the gaming industry. The base idea and mechanics have been the same since the beginning. So it’s natural that the fans would look for exciting ways to make their game a bit different. Today we will look at all the best Hacks, Mods, & 30th Anniversary Cheats available for Google Pacman Doodle Game.

How to Mod Google Pacman Doodle Game With Hacks & 30th Anniversary Cheats

Here are some exciting ways to mod the Google Pacman doodle game with hacks and 30th Anniversary cheats:

  • 256th Level Cheat Codes
  • Level Editor Hack
  • Safety Glitch
  • GitHub Playable 30th Anniversary Logo

256th Level Cheat Codes

This hack will allow you to mess with Pacman codes and cheat to open a 256th glitch level, according to YouTuber “HyperCarder”. The steps are easy to follow and include using the “.js” file and modifying it. Here’s the complete video for your reference:

Level Editor Hack (Google Pacman Doodle Game Mod)

From the same content creator, this hack lets you completely change and mod the Google Pacman doodle game easily. Here in the video below, you can see how HyperCarder created a level spelling out “Hacked” in his game:

Safety Glitch

As noted by YouTuber Darth_Luke, this glitch allows you to style in the spawn location without being dictated by the enemy ghosts. Here’s how to do this:

  1. Make sure to get eaten by the ghosts once
  2. Then as you spawn, go left
  3. Stay in this area
  4. The ghosts will not notice you
  5. Blinky, Inky, Clyde & Pinky will just go round around
  6. They will keep hunting for almost 2 mins
  7. Then they will freeze and give up
  8. Darth_Luke considers this as beating the Pacman game

Check out the complete video here:

GitHub Playable 30th Anniversary Logo

This GitHub link will give you all the necessary steps and files to convert the Pacman 30th Anniversary Google Logo into a playable doodle game format. Make sure to check it out feel like a hacker in Pacman.

That’s everything you need to know about all the best Hacks, Mods, & Cheats available for Google Pacman Doodle Game. While you are here, make sure to check out other interesting guides like How to Mod Google Snake Game & also the Top 15 Best Google Snake Mods.

Phil James

Phil is a creative and imaginative person who loves to tell stories. He believes video games are a powerful medium that can transport players to new and exciting worlds. He is excited to continue writing and gaming and hopes one day to create a fun video game.

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