Tier List

Best Overwatch 2 Tanks Tier List: Top OW2 Tank Heroes

Here are our Overwatch 2 Tanks Tier List with the best Tank heroes to pick from right now.

The long-awaited OW2 is finally here with unique new additions to gameplay, which will keep you engaged for a long time. There are over 35 heroes now to choose from. Everyone has their own pros and cons, and some players will prefer one hero over another according to their playstyle. But no matter if you are a returning player or a veteran, as a Tank it’s your duty to lead the squadmates to victory. So today will look at our Overwatch 2 Tanks Tier List with the best Tank heroes to pick from right now.

Best OW2 Tank Heroes – Overwatch 2 Tanks Tier List

As a Tank, you are responsible for breaking apart enemies, and leading the way for your team, all while taking the damage & keeping them safe. That’s a lot of things to manage and the responsibilities are higher now with just 1 Tank limited per squad. But as we mentioned above, different Tanks are good in different ways of managing their team. Reinhardt players protect their fellow heroes with his mighty shield barrier, while Roadhog has to be a long warrior soaking up enemy damages and healing himself. So matter your preferred way, we have found a solution for you. We will give you 2 tier lists. One for those who are new to OW2, and the other for players familiar with previous OW mechanisms. So with that said, here are our Overwatch 2 Tanks Tier List with the best Tanks heroes:

  • Overwatch 2 Tanks Tier List for New Tank Players
  • Overwatch 2 Tanks Tier List for Returning Tank Players

Overwatch 2 Tanks Tier List for New Tank Players

Tiers Heroes Role
S+ Tier Reinhardt Tank
S Tier Roadhog Tank
S Tier Orisa Tank
A+ Tier Junker Queen Tank
A Tier Zarya Tank
A Tier Sigma Tank
B Tier D.Va Tank
B Tier Wrecking Ball Tank
C Tier Winston Tank
D Tier Doomfist Tank

OW 2 Tanks Tier List for Returning Tank Players

Tiers Heroes Role
S+ Tier Roadhog Tank
S Tier Wrecking Ball Tank
S Tier Sigma Tank
A+ Tier Reinhardt Tank
A+ Tier Junker Queen Tank
A Tier D.Va Tank
B Tier Zarya Tank
B Tier Winston Tank
C Tier Orisa Tank
D Tier Doomfist Tank

Why Such a Difference in the Tier List?

If you are new to Overwatch 2 after the new free-to-play model, then you might not have the time to experience lots of games with each of these characters. So as someone who’s been playing the first overwatch since 2016 (but only reached Grandmaster tier, never TOP 500) allow me to share my opinions on these characters a bit more below.

To make it clear, no Overwatch tier list is one fit for all truth, and new players should try the heroes for themselves and get a feel. All the tier lists you will find your selves from big streamers, and top-level players are based on META & their individual opinions. Even in my current tier, I don’t pick Winston at all. But I have friends who are Winston main, and they absolutely destroy the enemies when paired with my Genji main as DPS.

So this list I have created considers many factors. The learning curve, and the heroes you need to try to make your main. And for returning players, the overall best Tanks till the Platinum tier. Because I am pretty sure, before reaching Platinum you will be able to choose your own Tanks, as your responsiveness, and the way of playing will be different from the person next to you. So I hope you will take this my opinions with a pinch of salt, and remember, tier lists differ by players. But choose a hero of your liking, even Doomfist, and cause mayhem to enemy teams.

That’s all for our Overwatch 2 Tanks Tier List with the best Tank heroes. While you are here, make sure to check out our more Overwatch 2 guides like the best OW2 heroes for beginners right here on Gamer Tweak.

Phil James

Phil is a creative and imaginative person who loves to tell stories. He believes video games are a powerful medium that can transport players to new and exciting worlds. He is excited to continue writing and gaming and hopes one day to create a fun video game.

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