Despite the game’s excellent gameplay, many players found the Outriders launch to be frustrating within the first week. It’s a fun game, but the launch was hampered by server problems that stopped many players from finding matches or logging in (among other issues). Even after the servers were somewhat stabilized, many players were dissatisfied with the constantly disconnecting servers and crossplay difficulties. Now with the new massive first patch, were are expecting these issues to fade away. Along with this many players have missed the list of nerfs, balancing, and patch notes in Outriders. So today let’s look at them.
List of Nerfs, Balancing, and Patch Notes in Outriders
Here’s the list of nerfs, balancing, and patch notes in Outriders as explained by devs through official mediums like steam, epic game store, etc:
This re-balancing work can be implemented through backend updates, does not require a patch, and will be run during today’s maintenance window.
IMPORTANT: Balancing is done by a separate team to those who are working hard on preparing the patches. Re-balancing does not impact our progress towards patches or reduce our ability to resolve bugs.
General Balance Notes:
- Historian, bounty hunt, and monster hunt quests no longer grant Legendary items for each subsequent completion
- While rewarding players for completing all the Historian, bounty hunt, and monster hunt quests is still our intention, we did observe unintended results when players repeated this activity in combination with a specific multiplayer bug.
- With this rewards adjustment we want to eliminate this exploit behaviour while still making that quest line worth the effort.
- Players who took advantage of this exploit will not be punished.
- Adjusted loot on specific enemies: Tooka Beast, Splittooth, Sandshifter and Coldclaw
- These particular beasts are being too generous considering the required effort to take them down.
- Chem Plant – Expedition time for Gold/Silver/Bronze adjusted to 650 / 1150 / 1500 seconds (Previously: 957 / 1303 / 1650)
- Boom Town – Expedition time for Gold/Silver/Bronze adjusted to 390 / 589 / 776 seconds (Previously: 422 / 607 / 792)
- Some Expeditions seem to be too generous in their required completion times when compared to others.
- We want to avoid such disproportionate discrepancies, as we believe making all expeditions viable leads to a more diverse and thus more interesting endgame.
- Crit Rating Damage Multiplier on Tactical Assault Rifle reduced to 165% (Previously: 175%)
- Critical Rating Damage Multiplier on Marksman Rifle reduced to 250% (Previously: 300%)
- Marksman Rifles with a 300% crit rate showed up to be dominating multiple crit builds. By making the modifier the same as for a Bolt Action Rifle, we want to offer players more options when choosing what gun to use.
- Duration of the Massacre AP buff has been reduced to 3 seconds
- This is a temporary measure until we have fixed an issue with the stacking cap.
- Bullet abilities
(Twisted Rounds, Blighted Rounds and Volcanic Rounds):
- While we fully intend to provide the overpowered feel for the best builds out there, we are also committed to making sure that there is build diversity in the top performing builds.
- Late in the demo lifecycle, we discovered a bug with regards to the bullet augmentation abilities damage calculation formula. While we fixed this bug, some unforeseen imbalances were unfortunately introduced, which has led to bullet based abilities vastly outperforming other skills. The main problem with this is that such bullet based builds require much less investment to make them “top tier”, compared to other builds.
- To achieve this, we have made a couple of adjustments for the Trickster and Technomancer classes, who benefit the most from their bullet abilities power. It’s uncertain as to whether these changes will prove too strong or too weak, so please do consider this to be only the first step, as we will continue monitoring and adjusting them in the future. Just like you, we hope to see more inspiring and crazy combinations of Abilities and Mods!
- The base cooldown of the Twisted Rounds skill has increased to 25 seconds (Previously: 16 seconds)
- While infinite uptime on bullets abilities was always our intention, it is intended to be high risk, high reward playstyle. However, given the current power of this skill, there is very little risk involved in this ability given its short cooldown, even when players fail to trigger ammo replenishment. Increasing its cooldown in combination with adjusting its damage should increase that risk and make this playstyle a more thrilling experience.
- The Trickster’s Hero Tree nodes: – Disruptive Firepower, Scion of Power, Outrider Executioner – have had their power reduced to 35% (Previously: 50%)
- The combination of Twisted Rounds’ increase of firepower on top of the multipliers provided by the class tree lead to huge increases of damage dealt by this ability. While we do understand the satisfaction this kind of power can bring, it is currently vastly outperforming our wildest expectations and we therefore need to bring it down a notch.
- “Vulnerable” status – Power reduced to 15% (Previously: 25%)
- The Technomancer Hero Tree node -“Damage Against Poison” – has had its power reduced to 15% (Previously: 30%)
- While the Technomancer’s Blighted Rounds do not provide any damage increase on their own other than ignoring armor as Anomaly Damage, they do provide an excellent tool for spreading the Vulnerable and Toxic statuses. which in turn can scale out of proportion.
- The Pyromancer Hero Tree Node – “Trial of Ashes” – has been reduced 15% extra damage (Previously: 30%)
So that’s the list of nerfs, balancing, and patch notes in Outriders. Plus, if you need some Outriders tips and tricks, don’t forget to check out our articles or search your query in our search bar.