How To Get Night Vision Goggles In Sons Of The Forest

Check out our guide on where to find Night Vision Goggles in Sons of The Forest.

The hit survival horror game just got a new update that added a few items to the game. Players have been asking the developers to add Night Vision Goggles to the game and it looks like the prayers have finally been heard. But like all the best items in the game, players will have to search the vast forest for what they desire. Let’s look at where you can find the Night Vision Goggles in Sons of The Forest.

Where to Get Night Vision Goggles in Sons of The Forest?

how to get the night vision goggles in sons of the forest

Like all other cool items in the Sons of The Forest, Night Vision Goggles can be found in one of the many caves in the game. The Goggles can only be found in one cave on the island. Players will have to make their way to the southern part of the map, here next to the river that leads away from the lake on top is the cave they’re looking for.

The cave’s entrance will lead you down into the ground, you’ll need your Lighter or Flashlight to explore the cave. Make your way through the cave until you reach an open space, here you should be greeted by a skeleton sitting on a chair. The Night Vision Goggles should be resting on his head. Collect the item and exit the cave.

The Night Vision Goggles are a great tool to use when it gets dark in the game. Once you use the Goggles, you’ll be able to see clearly in the dark without the use of a Lighter or Flashlight. This will leave both your hands available for use, making hunting and survival during the night much easier. The only drawback to using the Goggles is the lack of peripheral vision. We recommend you use the Goggles only in situations of emergency.

That’s all we have on how to get Night Vision Goggles in Sons of The Forest. For more tips on the game, Check out our Sons of The Forest Wiki right here on Gamer Tweak.