Many Killing Floor 2 players are facing the issue of Multiplayer not working. At the time of writing this article, the game is free for a limited time on Epic Games Store. And whenever the game gets a new set of players in bulk due to it being suddenly free, it usually comes with server issues. So in this guide let us check how to Fix Multiplayer Not Working for Killing Floor 2, and fix for Join and Find Game buttons not working.
How to Fix Killing Floor 2 Multiplayer Not Working
Here are the things you can try to fix the Multiplayer not working issues for this game on Epic Games Store.
- Wait: This isn’t exactly a fix but the game has acknowledged the issue. Currently, there is a problem with the Join and Find Game buttons being unresponsive. The developers are looking at the reports for the same. Once they find the root of the problem and solve it, an update with a fix should be out. And when it is, update your game and you should have no problem playing the game again.
While the above solution is for the recent problem with the Epic Games Store version of the game. Here are some other general fixes that you can use.
- Check Server Status: The first thing to do here is check the game’s Twitter @KillingFloor. Here you can find the server status and any other updates about the game. If you see that the game is in maintenance then you should wait for the game to be back before playing again.
- Visit Forums: You can check the Tripwire Interactive forums for Killing Floor 2. Here you can also find issues reported by other players that might not be addressed on the game’s Twitter yet.
If you find that the game is working and there aren’t any problems with it. Then you should try stuff like checking your internet connection, enabling or disabling VPN, and adding the game to the whitelist of your Antivirus to fix it.
That covers this guide on how to fix the Killing Floor 2 Multiplayer Not Working and unresponsive Join and Find Game buttons. If you found this guide to be helpful don’t miss out on our other Video Game Guides on Gamer Tweak.