Genshin Impact

What Is The Main Difference Between Mini Seelie In Genshin Impact

Want to get a Mini Seelie in Genshin Impact but don't know the difference and which to pick? Find out here

Mini Seelie in Genshin Impact is the latest craze that has been sweeping everyone who is heavily invested in the game. A lot of people have been wondering about the difference between the Mini Seelie and which one to choose, if you’re having similar thoughts, make sure to check out this entire article.

Mini Seelie Difference In Genshin Impact

Before you do anything else, you should know that there are three different types of Mini Seelie in Genshin Impact, all three differ from one another by their color. Apart from this, there’s not much to differentiate them. They are, blue, rose and gold, and you can purchase a Mini Seelie in Genshin Impact with the Iron Coins that you earn during the Lost Richest event.

Apart from the color, each has a different definition in the game. While they’re in the game just for decorative effect, they will follow you around wherever you go.

There aren’t any passive or active bonuses to having them in Genshin Impact, but it feels great just to have one around you at all times.

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To equip a Seelie, you can do so as a gadget from your inventory and have it present itself whenever you wish. It comes down to personal preference and which color you like the most.

On a personal note, the rose-colored Mini Seelie looks the best and brightest, but we’ve come to appreciate all of them throughout our testing and since they provide no benefit, you can simply choose whichever you like best and your hands on it.

If you’re unsure about how to get a Mini Seelie as a pet in Genshin Impact, make sure to check out our guide on it right here on Gamer Tweak.

Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at

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