
Metal Gear Solid Will Get A Full Remake Exclusively for PS5 – Report

According to current reports, a full remake of the PlayStation classic Metal Gear Solid for the PS5 is currently in the works. This is said to have been confirmed by a source that was 100% correct in their statements in the past.

After Konami has certainly not done itself a favor with the technically and playfully mixed title Metal Gear Survive, the company could concentrate on the classic titles of the series in the future.

This is at least suggested by a rating from Taiwan, from which it can be inferred that Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance will find their way to the PC in the form of corresponding ports. According to an insider who is considered to be a reliable source, it will not stop at the simple implementations.

As the Youtube channel RedGamingTech reports, citing a source who is said to have been 100% correct in their predictions in the past, Konami is currently working on a full remake of the first Metal Gear Solid for PS5. The title was released in 1998 for the PlayStation.

In the context of this message, it was explicitly stated that we are not dealing with a simple port or a remaster. Instead, the title is extensively revised to pave the way for the classic into the modern age.

Since Konami has not commented on the current rumors about the possible Metal Gear Solid remake, the whole thing should of course be enjoyed with the necessary caution for the time being. Should there be any details from the official side, we will of course bring you up to date information immediately.


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