Lords of the Fallen

What Is The Max Level In Lords Of The Fallen

Here's everything you need to know about the Lords of the Fallen's Maximum Level Cap.

Lords of the Fallen is the latest Soulslike and players are wondering about its max level cap already. And we are not talking about just the normal character levels here, we are also talking about the Stat levels. Leveling up both of them is equally important for a smoother in-game progression. But to what extent can we level up? What’s the maximum level to reach in LOTF? In this guide, you will be getting the answer to this question.

Lords of the Fallen Max Level Cap

It is speculated that there is no max level cap in Lords of the Fallen 2, just like the previous version. However, there are soft and hard caps for all the 6 stats. This means you will stop gaining buffs after leveling up each stat to a certain level. According to a Reddit Post, players have assumed that the max level cap is 540. As an explanation, they took the Condemned Class into consideration as it starts with 9 in each stat. So 90×6 = 540 and hence, the Max Level cap can be somewhere around this value. But for now, this calculation can’t be taken on a serious note as it’s not confirmed by the developers yet.

Whatever the Lords of the Fallen Max level cap is, make sure that you never fall weaker against enemies. Your victory is guaranteed if you closely monitor your character build and upgrade its stats accordingly. At some point, if you ever feel like investing in some other stat, then you can Respec your character. Aside from this, I strongly recommend you upgrade your weapons regardless of your character build. We have covered a guide on it, that may help you out.

That’s everything you need to know about the Max Level Cap in Lords of the Fallen. While ranking up your levels, if you feel stuck or overwhelmed at any point, then make sure to check out our dedicated section for LOTG Guides on Gamer Tweak.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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