Marvel's Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers Third War Table Livestream Set for September 1

Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics have announced recently the arrival of a new episode with the War Table presentation series dedicated to Marvel’s Avengers, and it will be the third, the last one before the launch of the game which will take place on September 4, 2020.

The new episode of Marvel’s Avengers War Table is currently set for September 1st, and will take place at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. ET as usual. The event will be visible on Square Enix’s YouTube and Twitch channels.

The presentation will include numerous revelations in a world premiere, such as an in-depth look at the first season of the post-launch story for the Avengers Initiative and the presentation of an additional post-launch playable hero, which could be one of the many leaked in recent days.

The third War Table will provide all the information players need to start playing from day one of the game’s release. Particular attention will be paid to the title’s progression system, tips and aids for dealing with the game’s over 50 different types of enemies, as well as additional details about the high-level content of Marvel’s Avengers.

This War Table will also delve into the Avengers Initiative, where players will bring their heroes to their final versions after finishing the game’s campaign. Minds will be wiped out and wish fulfilled as some of the game’s many additional heroes, villains, missions, regions, and game modes will be revealed and will be made available at no additional cost.

Marvel’s Avengers will release on September 4th on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. In recent news, it was confirmed that the game will require 90GB of storage space on PS4.


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