Lost Ark Complete Bracelet Tier List

Here is our Lost Ark Bracelet Tier List of March 2023.

Searching for the Lost Ark Bracelet Tier list? Then you’re at the right place. Lost Ark is one of the most popular MMORPGs right now. While the game lets you explore new lands, seek lost treasures and engage in combat, it also gives you powerful bracelets. So, which one of them should you go for? Find the answer to your question by checking our Tier List below.

Lost Ark Bracelet Tier List

lost ark

Before we start, keep in mind that this Tier List is subjective in nature. Hence, there are high chances that your interpretation of the quality of a particular bracelet may be different from what we mentioned in the list below. The list is ranked from S to D, with the former being the best while D being the worst tier.

Tier S

  • Circulate
  • Fervor
  • Hammer

Tier A

  • Ambush
  • Battle
  • Precise

Tier B

  • Dagger
  • Expose Weakness

Tier C

  • Raid
  • Superiority

Tier D

  • Harvest
  • Sawtooth Blade
  • Weapon Power
  • Wedge

Lost Ark Bracelet Tier List Explained

Tier S

Circulate, Fervor and Hammer fall under the S Tier. These bracelets are the most overpowered in the game right now. Since they are one of the best bracelets, you should get them as soon as possible to make your combat much easier.

Tier A

To define this Tier in simple words, these bracelets are the best substitutes in case you don’t have any one from the S Tier.

Tier B

Bracelets like Dagger and Expose Weakness come quite handy early on in the game. However, once you start progressing further, you should quickly let go of them and move on to better bracelets from higher ranked tiers.

Tier C

The only benefit that this Tier gives you is that they’re a level higher than the bottom Tier. Raid and Superiority should never be on your priority whatsoever.

Tier D

All the four bracelets from this Tier possess very poor stats. You should always try and avoid them as much as possible.

Also Read: Lost Ark DPS Meter Explained

That’s everything summed up in our Lost Ark Bracelet Tier List guide. We hope that these rankings were able to help you out. For similar guides, head to our Tier List section on Gamer Tweak.