League of Legends Jungle Champions Tier List received major changes after Patch 11.23. Now different champions received nerfs and buffs either making them a good or a bad jungler after the recent patches. So this means characters who were previous good at jungling might have become bad and vice versa. So let’s look at the new updated LoL Jungle Tier List.
League of Legends LoL 11.23 Jungle Character Tier List 2023
Here are the current champions in our League of Legends Jungle Tier List:
Tiers | Champions |
SS Tier | Kayn |
SS Tier | Kha’Zix |
S+ Tier | Diana |
S+ Tier | Nidalee |
S+ Tier | Viego |
S Tier | Elise |
S Tier | Master Yi |
A+ Tier | Ekko |
A+ Tier | Jarvan IV |
A+ Tier | Nocturne |
A Tier | Rammus |
A Tier | Trundle |
A Tier | Warwick |
A Tier | Zac |
B+ Tier | Evelynn |
B+ Tier | Fiddlesticks |
B+ Tier | Olaf |
B+ Tier | Shaco |
B+ Tier | Vi |
B+ Tier | Xin Zhao |
B Tier | Dr. Mundo |
B Tier | Graves |
B Tier | Hecarim |
B Tier | Karthus |
B Tier | Kindred |
B Tier | Lee Sin |
B Tier | Shyvana |
B Tier | Volibear |
C+ Tier | Amumu |
C+ Tier | Mordekaiser |
C+ Tier | Nunu |
C+ Tier | Rengar |
C+ Tier | Rumble |
C Tier | Jax |
C Tier | Lillia |
D+ Tier | Ivern |
D+ Tier | Poppy |
D+ Tier | Sejuani |
D+ Tier | Skarner |
D+ Tier | Wukong |
D Tier | Gragas |
D Tier | Gwen |
D Tier | Kled |
D Tier | Rek’Sai |
D Tier | Sett |
D Tier | Sylas |
D Tier | Taliyah |
How We Ranked Jungle Champions in Tier?
Here’s what we took into consideration sorting champions into our League of Legends Jungle Tier List:
S Tier
The current meta favors these champions’ jungling abilities. Since the previous few patches, several of them have been very strong in their tier, and their reign does not appear to be fading anytime in the near future.
A Tier
These champions are highly powerful and they are significantly better than other champions for jungling in the current meta.
B Tier
These champions are generally good choices, but some of the higher-tiered opponent junglers can target their weaknesses.
C Tier
Sadly for these champions are not good enough to take into high-ranking matches.
D Tier
This tier is ideal for newcomers to try out jungling, but all the above champions simply crush them on the way to become a good Jungler.
That’s everything you need to know about the League of Legends Jungle Champions Tier List after Patch 11.23. While you are here, make sure to check out more of our LOL Guides like LOL ADC Tier List, ARAM Tier List, Ultimate Spellbook Tier List, Top Lane Champions Tier List, and more