Video Game Guides

Solo Leveling Arise Silver Mane: Is It Worth Pulling?

Not sure if Silver Mane Baek Yonhoo is worth drawing in Solo Leveling Arise? Here's a guide that clear your out your doubts.

Amongst every current hot character in Solo Leveling Arise, Silver Mane Baek Yonhoo is constantly being discussed in the list of those overpowered characters. While plenty of players think that this white Tiger is worth all the fortune, there are some players who don’t agree with it. Because other characters like Cha Hae-In are equally worthy contenders. That being said, it has become extremely tough to decide if Silver Mane in Solo Leveling Arise is worth pulling. To answer this question, we have created this guide for you.

Is Silver Mane Worth Pulling in Solo Leveling Arise?

Silver Mane is an SSR character that comes from the Fighter Class and uses the Dark element to draw its power. This character possesses one of the most powerful arsenal in this game. With moves like Magic Beast’s Ambush and Divinity, Silver Mane can easily outmaneuver a boss. That is why, he is also known as a Boss Killer. If you ask me, pulling for Silver Mane in Solo Leveling Arise is worth it. For the amount of raw power you will be getting, I think your money is spent well.

The most interesting thing about Silver Mane is that it can buff itself to outmatch enemies. You heard it right, the Magic Beast’s Instinct ability allows this Tiger to strengthen himself.

Even if you are going after appearance, I don’t think there’s any other character that looks cooler than Silver Mane. The aesthetics just looks otherworldly which makes Silver Mane a perfect fit for your party.

If you get the opportunity, I would definitely recommend drawing Silver Mane Baek Yonhoo in Solo Leveling Arise. Other than this, if you want to go for other characters, we have a Tier List that you can refer to. Plus, you can also check out our guide on Solo Leveling Arise Codes for extra rewards.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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