Diablo 4

Diablo 4: How To Increase Stash Capacity

Want to have more storage at your disposal? Here is our guide on how you can increase the Stash in Diablo 4

Players can access Stash to manage their loot and inventory storage in Diablo 4. The game provides you with a tab of 50 slots at the start of the game to transfer the items from your inventory. These slots can be exhausted quickly as players are in a constant hunt for valuable and rare items, not to mention legendary gear. So if you are looking to have more storage at your disposal to transfer and manage your items carefully, here is our guide on how you can increase Stash in Diablo 4.

How to Increase Stash Slots in Diablo 4

Image source Bue on YouTube

Players will have to buy additional slots to increase Stash in Diablo 4. You can do this by spending 100000 gold for an extra tab of storage. First, you will have to interact with the Stash in any major city and purchase the additional slots. The option for that would be available in the box itself. You can get up to 3 more tabs each with 50 slots in the game. These boxes are available in every major city for the players. One of the earliest locations where players can access their stash in the game is at the Inn in Kyovashad City. Players can come across This major hub city in Fractured Peaks after completing their prologue. You can reach the Inn by simply placing a marker on the chest icon on the map.

Players will have to grind their way first to get their hands on the gold required. This makes managing loot and items even more crucial. Stashing unnecessary items would not be the best way to use your storage slots. Instead, one should consider dropping, selling, or even salvaging them. This will make room for any legendary items you will come across and will make it easy for you to store them in your Stash.

That is everything covered on how you can increase Stash in Diablo 4. And if you are looking for level 20+ gears in the game, here is our guide, and for more guides like these check out our dedicated Diablo 4 section right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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