God Of War Ragnarok

GoW Ragnarok Increase Rage: How To Get Horns of Blood Mead

Here is how you can increase your maximum rage in God of War Ragnarok.

You should increase your rage meter in God of War Ragnarok to get the most out of it. This meter is important as when it fills up completely you can use Spartan Rage. A mode that gives Kratos a burst of power that he can use to deal some serious damage to powerful enemies, and to destroy the lesser ones. But if the bar is short your rage will get over quickly. So in this guide check out how you can increase your maximum rage in God of War Ragnarok with the help of Horns of Blood Mead.

How to Increase your Maximum Rage in God of War Ragnarok

Image Credit: I.Eat.Games. on YouTube

You can increase your rage by finding Horns of Blood Mead from the Nornir chests. This is the only method that lets you upgrade it permanently. While you can upgrade your fury to decrease the amount of rage that is consumed. There is no similar upgrade or any kind of armor piece that lets you increase it, so finding Horns of Blood Mead is your only option. And the catch is you need to find 3 of them in order to upgrade the rage meter once. After you get 3 you can see the red rage bar increase.

How to Open Nornir Chests

The mechanics of how Nornir chests work is the same as that of God of War (2018). First, you need to find a large chest that has 3 runes symbols. You cannot open it directly, as these runes work as a seal for it. So you have to look for these 3 runes and destroy them, they should be in the vicinity of the chest. Use your Leviathan Axe to launch it at these runes to break them. After you break all three of them, the seal will release and you can open the Nornir chest. From the chest, you will either find Horns of Blood Mead or Idunn Apples. The second one is used to increase your health permanently.

That covers this guide on how to increase your maximum rage permanently in God of War Ragnarok. While you are increasing your health and rage also check our guide on how to get Stonewood to level up your mid-tier weapons. And for more help on walkthroughs and other things about this game check out our GoW Ragnarok Wiki.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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