Tears Of The Kingdom

How To Increase Horse Storage In Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom

Want to add even more horses to your collection? Here is our guide on how you can increase the Horse Storage in Zelda TOTK

In Tears Of The Kingdom, horses are your trusted companion and a very effective mode of transportation across the vast lands of Hyrule. Throughout their campaign players will come across horses with different abilities of their own. Players will want to tame and use them according to their strengths in the game. But as there are only limited slots in the stables and only so many you can store. Here is our guide on how you can increase the Horse Storage in Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom to store a few extra horses you come across.

How to Increase Horse Storage in Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom

In addition to the 6 slots available to store their tamed horses, players can upgrade the storage with 4 more slots in the stable. The first step in unlocking these slots would be to earn Pony Points in the game. Players can get these points in many ways such as by registering a horse at a stable, completing side quests, staying in the stable, etc. Here is how many pony points you will need to unlock all 4 slots for increased storage

  • First – 10 Pony points
  • Second – 20 Pony Points
  • Third – 30 Pony Points
  • Fourth – 35 Pony points

Once you have enough of these at your disposal, you can find the Pony Points Ledger on the check-in table in the stable. After which you can redeem the rewards in this case additional slots with the use of the saved pony points. With this, you will be able to store more horses in the stable and use them whenever needed. For players who don’t want to go through the process of collecting Pony Points, there are many stables located across Hyrule. You can always store your horses at different stables, keeping in mind where you stored the specific horse.

That is everything on how you can increase the Horse Storage in Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom. Here is our guide on how you can get Giant White Stallion & the Golden Horse in Zelda TOTK

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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