Elden Ring

How To Use Urgent Heal In Elden Ring

Here is a guide on how to use the Urgent Heal spell in Elden Ring.

Wondering how to use the Urgent Heal in Elden Ring? Well. then you’re at the right place. Among the several incantations in the Lands Between, Urgent Heal is amongst the most handy. The spell allows players to replenish a small amount of health quickly during battles. Our guide will show you how to get and use Urgent Heal in this Dark Souls masterpiece.

How to Use Urgent Heal in Elden Ring

To use the Urgent Heal in Elden Ring, you will first need to equip the spell at a Site of Grace and then press the attack button to cast the spell. You will have to head to the Site of Grace to equip the spell for the first time. Now, from the Memorize Spells section, players will have to select this spell and equip the Finger Seal as their weapon. As soon as you attack, the Urgent Heal will take its effect.

Urgent Heal can give you a quick dose of HP compared to the Flask of Crimson Tears which has a longer animation. Moreover, you can also fall short of flasks in crucial moments which is why the Urgent Heal is so efficient.

How to Get the Urgent Heal

To get the Urgent Heal, you will need a minimum Faith level of 8 and a Finger Sacred Seal. It won’t take a long time for you to reach Faith Level 8 in the Lands Between. To learn the Urgent Heal spell, you will need to head to Roundtable Hold and meet Brother Corhyn. He will teach you the spell for 1000 Runes.

But your job is still half done as you will need a Finger Sacred Seal to cast the spell. For this, you will have to meet the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold to purchase the seal for 800 Runes. Once you do that, you will unlock the Urgent Heal spell.

That’s all you need to do to use Urgent Heal in Elden Ring. If our guide managed to help you, then check out how to beat Preceptor Miriam, how to get more Talisman slots and who to give Scrolls to in our Elden Ring section.

Milton Dsouza

Milton is an open-world fanatic who is currently on his umpteenth replay of RDR2. Apart from exploring the Wild West on his Turkoman horse, he is also mesmerized by the outrageous building mechanics in Zelda TOTK and relishes engaging in PvP battles while playing Warzone DMZ. Fascinated by the Soulslike genre, Milton can't wait to set foot in Elden Ring next.

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