
Fortnite Chapter 3 How To Use Tents

Did you come across a tent in Fortnite chapter 3 and are unsure what stash, pack, and all mean? This guide has the answers you are looking for.

Fortnite Chapter 3 brings new things in the latest update. The island isn’t the only thing that has changed, you can now slide in Fortnite. And if that wasn’t enough the game brings a new item called Tent also known as loot tent. This is an item that will change the way how you manage your inventory. So without further ado let us take a look at how to use tents in Fortnite Chapter 3.

How to Use Tents in Fortnite Chapter 3

In order to use a tent just throw it on the ground and let it assemble. Once it assembles it will allow you to use the tent features. You can find tents as an item, deserted on the island, or by claiming one of someone else. There are 3 features of a tent in Fortnite Chapter 3.

  • Rest: The first and the most basic use of a tent is to rest. Just like a campfire, you can use a tent to rest and heal yourself. Although it will only heal your HP and won’t fill up your Sheild.
  • Stash Items: This is a very interesting feature, usually one might think you could only stash your items to use them later in the same match. But tent allows you to get the stashed items even in future games. There are 3 slots for you to stash your items, the first 2 slots are free, the third slot requires you to pay in order to use it. You can use this feature to store items or guns in a tent.
  • Pack a tent: Exactly what the name suggests, just stash the items, pack them, and carry the tent around.

The tent is very useful and one might even consider it a broken item. It just takes one slot in your inventory but you get to store two items in it (three if you pay) while allowing you to heal yourself. And even if you abandon your tent you can find your items in it. Although you can’t store or retrieve all items in all game modes. That means some game modes won’t allow you to stash items by showing them as Unstashable. Similarly, you won’t be able to retrieve an invalid item, it becomes invalid based on your previous and current game mode.

The best way to use a tent is to carry it around till the end game. Store your best items in it after winning, or if you think you are about to die then stash it before dying. And in the next match, you have the best items as soon as you find a tent.

If you want to see how these tents work in the game then you can check our tutorial below on how to use tents.

That covers everything you need to know about how to use tents in Fortnite Chapter 3. If you like playing this game then be sure to check our other guides on how to fix unable to login to servers and how to slide in Fortnite.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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