How to unlock Luke Cage in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

The Superhero

Luke Cage is a massive tank, and as shown in comic books and TV series he has massive power when compared to other heroes, Luke Cage is a part of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 but you have to progress a bit in the story to get him in your team. This guide will show you how to unlock Luke Cage in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

How to unlock Luke Cage in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

With power comes a great deal of attack that you can use with Luke Cage in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, especially early on in the game when you do not have access to the biggest superheroes in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

In the first chapter itself, you will have to face off against Venom in the boss battle, defeating him is the key to unlocking Luke Cage. Venom sure does put up a good fight but after you defeat him you will get to have Luke Cage as a part of your team in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

That is pretty much all you have to do to get Luke Cage on your team in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

Luke Cage has a good amount of stats, so check him out and see the best team you can make with him.

This is all there is to know about how to unlock Luke Cage in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

Check out our other guides on Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 right here.