How To Get Night Soil In Dragon Quest Builders 2

An important resource that you will need throughout the game

Dragon Quest Builders 2 has a bit of everything for everyone, it has a great campaign but also a really immersive grind for those who like it. One of those grinds involve farming and you will need Night Soil, this guide will show you how to get Night Soil in Dragon Quest Builders 2.

What is Night Soil

Night Soil is a resource that you will need throughout the game, basically, you need it to make Worm Food and fertilizer and with how the game is structured you will be in constant need for it.

How to get Night Soil in Dragon Quest Builders 2

The best part about this is getting Night Soil is relatively easy, it just involves getting your hands dirty. Kind of like an honest days work getting all down and dirty to get the most out of your work.

  1. The simplest way is by searching for clumps of animal droppings in Furrowfield Bog. As soon as you find one of these, break it open and your friend Malroth will find nearby Night Soil to harvest it.
  2. Alternatively, you could also defeat the Walking Corpses to get Night Soil, there is another gross way in which you will need a lot of patience.
  3. You will need to build a bathroom in any village or town and as soon as the toilet pot becomes full, simply empty it and viola you will have Night Soil.

This is all there is to know about how to get Night Soil in Dragon Quest Builders 2