How to Get Mind Control Ray Gun in Outer Worlds

Amazing Weapon you cannot miss

As vibrant and beautiful Outer Worlds is so are the weapons in the game. You will find all types of weapons and this each has a specific role, this guide will show you how to get the Mind Control Ray Gun in Outer Worlds.

How to Get Mind Control Ray Gun in Outer Worlds

Science Weapons are the most creative and fun weapons to wield in Outer Worlds, and Mind Control Ray Gun lets you turn enemies against each other while dealing good enough damage.

As soon you enter the Unreliable you are given the quest of finding the four Science Weapons, to get the Mind Control Ray Gun you will have to go to Fallbrook and purchase the quest-related datapad from the merchant named Duncan.

Once you do that, go to the town of Cascadia and find the Rizzo’s factory. Go to the very end and find the last room, and you will see a door to your right. This will lead you to an elevator shaft.

You will then need to jump across the platform and climb up the ladder and then jump across again.

This is where you will find the Mind Control Ray Gun. Take this weapon and go crazy when you find yourself in battle next time.

It is a lot of fun to use and will produce some funny moments just like the Shrink Ray Gun does which is another Science Weapon.

This is all there is to know about how to get the Mind Control Ray Gun in Outer Worlds. Make sure that you check out other guides on Outer Worlds as well.

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