AC Valhalla Gunlodr Riddles Solution Guide: All Correct Answers

Here are correct answers to each and every question of Gunlodr riddle.

Gunlodr Riddle is a mini-game in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla that you can play during the feast in Jotunheim. To finish the riddle, you should know the answers to each and every question asked by Gunlodr. If you don’t know Gunlodr riddle’s answers then don’t fret it is very straightforward.

To make it a lot easier for you, we have solved the entire Gunlodr riddle for you and will be revealing all of the correct answers here.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: All Gunlodr Riddles and Answers

You might take a little bit of time to solve Gunlodr’s riddles in AC Valhalla. Ther are not as easy as any classic riddle. The first and second riddle is quite easy but the third and the last riddle is the hardest to get solved.

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Here are correct answers to each and every question of Gunlodr riddle:

Riddle #1: Would that I had now what I had yesterday. Find out what that was. Mankind it mars, speech it hinders, yet speech it will inspire.

Answer: Ale

Riddle #2: Who is that shrill one who rides a hard road and has fared that way before? He kisses hard who has two mouths and goes only on gold.

Answer: Hammer

Riddle #3: White-haired women, servants two, bore ale-tub to the larder. No hand turned it, nor hammer beat it. But there, outside the islands, the upright one who made it.

Answer: Swans and Eggs

That’s all you need to do know to solve the Gunlodr riddles in Jotunheim in AC Valhalla. It should be noted that you will have to speak with Gunlodr the moment you reach the feast. You will find her standing near the edge of the cliff, outside the hall, near the zip line.

While you are here, don’t miss a thing about this epic Viking saga by checking out our AC Valhalla guides on Gamer Tweak. Learn more tips and tricks about how to get Thor’s Helmet and how to earn money fast!