The Dweller-In-Darkness is one of the various boss fights you will face in Guardians of the Galaxy. This is the boss that you will face towards the end of Act 4 in the game. Luckily, if you follow a few steps and methods, you will get through this fight with relative ease. So, scroll down and have a look at how to beat the Dweller-In-Darkness.
How to beat the Dweller-In-Darkness in Marvel’s Guardian of the Galaxy?
The boss fight will take place in 2 distinct phases. Hence, I will split up the boss fight accordingly. This will help you understand the tactics better and allow you to get through the fight quicker.
Boss Fight Phase 1
The first phase of the fight will have you fight the tentacles of the Dweller-In-Darkness. Dweller will attack with its tentacles and occasionally slam them into the ground. Just make sure that you keep moving around in order to avoid damage. Anytime you aim with your gun, the aim will lock onto the tentacle. Now, all you have to do is keep spamming attacks at the tentacles. This is phase 1 of the Guardians of the Galaxy Dweller-In-Darkness boss fight.
Once the tentacle is damaged enough, the Dweller will get stunned and drop its tentacle into a pool of gel. Quite handy that the pool of gel just happens to be there at that point. Now, freeze the pool of gel and ask Gamora to sever the tentacle. You will have to keep doing this again with all the tentacles that the Dweller throws at you. Once you defeat the tentacles four times you will complete the 1st phase of the boss fight.
Guardians Of The Galaxy Dweller-In-Darkness Boss Fight Phase 2
In this part of the fight, there will be several extra enemies that you will come across. These enemies are encased in cubes of an ooze-like substance. They will just randomly drop all over the map.
To defeat these enemies you will have to unfreeze them beforehand. While this happens the Dweller will drop a bomb right in front of you. When this happens, you will get a button prompt that will ask Drax to freeze and pick up the bomb. Now, Drax will also throw the bomb at the Dweller.
You will have to do this repeatedly till the Dweller’s health goes down. Once it is sufficiently low, Gamora will make the final attack. This will finish off the boss.
This is everything that you will have to know about the Guardians of the Galaxy Dweller-In-Darkness boss fight. While you are here you can also have a look at Where To Find Outfits & Skins.