Knowing the perfect battle girl in Girls X Battle 2 is a necessity of sorts and you might want to refer to a tier list for the battle girls before making your choice. So in this guide, we give you list of all battle girls in both PvP and PvE environments in Girls X Battle 2 that are ranked from best to worst.
PvE Girls X Battle 2 Battle Girls Tier List
Below is the tier list for all the battle girls in a PvE Environment:
S Tier
- Linky
- Psychic
A Tier
- Gabriel
- Kong Ming
- Capsugirl
- Lucifer
- Nani
- Priestess
- Sonya
- Wraith
B Tier
- Blowie
- Dracula
- Gambler
- Hottie
- Hexa
- Muppet
- Nia
- Nobunaga
- Phoenix
C Tier
- Amazon
- Amelia
- Aquaris
- Caitlyn
- Calista
- Ennmaya
- Himoto
- Michael
- Pandaria
- Sakura
- Toyo
D Tier
- Angel
- Alice
- Bud Elf
- Chevalir
- Fencer
- Giana
- Guan Yin
- Javelin
- Saint
- Scythe
- Sapphire
- Susan
- Wildtress
E Tier
- Ada
- Androi
- Anna
- Annie
- Ashley
- Assassin
- Geisha
- Lavia
- Librarian
- Masamune
- Silvia
- Succuba
- Wu kong
F Tier
- Beary
- Bidenty
- Boxer
- Chainsaw
- Cynthia
- Diva
- Elvis
- Flash
- Haxie
- Hypatia
- Iron Fist
- Jelly
- Lightin
- Lily
- Lisa
- Litana
- Liz
- Medusa
- Miya
- Nagia
- Ninja
- Nona
- Nun
- Omega
- Quinie
- Selene
- Toy girl
- Wandy
- Werewolf
- Zoe
- Zombie
PvP Girls X Battle 2 Tier List
This is a best to worst list for battle girls in PvP environment in Girls X Battle 2.
S Tier
- Psychic
A Tier
- Amazon
- Kongming
- Priestess
- Phoenix
B Tier
- Amelia
- Nani
- Michael
- Wraith
C Tier
- Capsugirl
- Gabriel
- Fencer
- Hottie
- Linky
- Lucifer
- Nobunaga
- Sakura
- Sonya
D Tier
- Angel
- Blowie
- Dracula
- Ennmaya
- Gambler
- Hexa
- Javelin
- Muppet
- Pandaria
E Tier
- Aquaris
- Bud Elf
- Caitlyn
- Giana
- Guah Yin
- Nia
- Saint
- Scythe
- Susan
- Sapphire
F Tier
- Alice
- Ada
- Androi
- Anna
- Annie
- Ashley
- Assassin
- Bidenty
- Boxer
- Calista
- Chanisaw
- Chevalir
- Cyinthia
- Diva
- Elvis
- Geisha
- Flash
- Haxie
- Himoto
- Hypatia
- Iron Fist
- Jelly
- Lavia
- Librarian
- Lightin
- Lily
- Lisa
- Litana
- Liz
- Masamune
- Medusa
- Miya
- Nagia
- Ninja
- Nona
- Nun
- Omega
- Quinie
- Selena
- Succuba
- Silvia
- Toyo
- Toy girl
- Widtress
- Wandy
- Werewolf
- Wu kong
- Zoe
- Zombie
So that is all for our guide on Girls X Battle 2 tier list. We have a lot more tier lists that you might want to check out on our website Gamertweak.