
How To Get Pet Slots In PS99

Wondering how to equip and use more pets in Pet Simulator 99? Here is everything you need to know.

The sheer number of pets that players can equip in Pet Simulator 99 can be quite fascinating at the start. But if you are new to the Roblox experience and weren’t familiar with its predecessor, PSX, then you might be left wondering about many things. One of which is how exactly can you get more pet slots for your pet team in the game. And since it doesn’t specify anything once you start thrashing those coins, you might miss out on the feature quite easily.

There are different rarities of pets that you can unlock and equip in Pet Simulator 99. And while you only start around with four slots, you will get to upgrade and add in more gradually. So if you are looking to earn coins quickly and hatch even more eggs, then here is a guide you should check out further.

How to Increase Pet Slots in Pet Simulator 99

Screenshot: Gamer Tweak

To get more pet slots in Pet Simulator 99, players will need to first unlock Area 4 also known as the Green Forest Biome. You will need around 8k coins to unlock the biome. Inside the area, you will come across the Pet Equip Machine in the game. This machine will let you increase the amount pets that you can equip. However, to purchase more slots, you will need to have diamonds at your disposal.

Additionally, you will need to rank up gradually to get more slots for your pets in PS99. Each rank will unlock a certain amount of slots in the Pet Equip Machine for you to purchase. To rank up, you will need to simply complete different objectives and earn stars in the process.

You will find the objectives increasingly difficult as you progress further in the game. We would recommend that you grind your way through the starting areas in Pet Simulator 99.

It is worth mentioning that the price for the slots will get more expensive as you progress forward. However, you will be able to interact with the Pet Equip Machine any time you like by heading towards the fourth area. This makes the machine easily accessible for players.

That’s everything covered in this guide. If you find this guide helpful and are looking more into the Roblox experience, be sure to check out our Pet Simulator 99 Guides section, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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