How To Get & Use Heart Points In Super Mario Bros Wonder

Wondering how the heart points work in SMB Wonder? Here is everything that you should know about it.

In Super Mario Bros Wonder you can get Heart Points to increase your heart counter. No don’t get them confused with lives, they have a completely different use. You need to have online play enabled to see them. The game doesn’t exactly tell you what it does unless you check the Online Play Guide. So here is a quick guide on how heart points work in this game.

How to Get Heart Points in SMB Wonder

How To Get And Use Heart Points In Super Mario Bros Wonder
Image Credits: Nintendo of America on YouTube

There are mainly three ways of getting heart points in this game

  • Rescue another player: Whenever a player dies, you have 5 seconds to revive them by touching their ghosts. They can still use their life and continue from the last checkpoint. But reviving them not only saves their life but also gives you the most heart points compared to the other methods.
  • Give players items: Whenever you already have a power-up, collecting another one stores it as an extra. So to use them you simply have to press and hold the A button. A bubble with the power-up will now form above your head. Use this power-up and give it to another player when they are out of power or have shrunk.
  • Complete level together: For this you and your friends or the players you are playing with have to touch the goal flag pole together. Doing this will reward every player with heart points. While it may not give as many points as when you revive them, it still is a good way to get some of it.

How to Use Heart Points?

As mentioned before, heart points are used to increase your heart counter. They serve no other purpose than showing other players how helpful you are. So its only use is a form of bragging rights. For example, you or your friends can check who helps other players the most. Any player that stands next to you or your standee will be able to see how many heart points you have.

That’s all on how to get heart points in Super Mario Bros Wonder and all of their uses. Since you are looking to increase your heart points you should check out how to play with friends online and you can help them!