Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Pokemon Scarlet Violet: How To Get Gengar Without Friends

Here is how you can get a Gengar in Pokemon Scarlet Violet without friends.

If you are looking to get a Gengar without the help of trading with your Friends you can do that in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. There is an NPC in the game called Blossom that can help you out. Don’t worry she isn’t as evil as Mindy to make her Haunter hold Everstone. And Gengar is a Pokemon that you might want on your team especially if you didn’t choose Fuecoco as your starter. So in this guide check out how to get Gengar without Friends in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

How to Get Gengar Without Friends in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

You can trade a Pincurchin to Blossom in exchange for her Haunter to get Gengar in this game. Haunter evolves by trading so it is the easiest method to get a Gengar. Here is how you can catch one and trade it for a Haunter:

  1. Go to the areas near beaches in this game to catch a Pincurchin. Some of the best locations for it in the game will be:
    • South Province
      • Area One
      • Area Five
    • East Province
      • Area One
      • Area Two
    • West Province
      • Area One
      • Area Two
    • East Paldean Sea
    • There is also no specific time, so you can go catch one in the morning or evening and it won’t make much of a difference.
  2. Next, fast travel to Levincia city.
  3. Go around the circular bridge and look for an NPC wearing a blue top and red shorts.
  4. She is Blossom and her chat bubble says “A Pincurchin would be great”.
  5. Talk to her and she will ask if you are willing to trade a Pincurchin for her Haunter.
  6. Choose Yes.
  7. This will show you your current Party and Box storage.
  8. Select the Pincurchin you caught from the box it is stored in or from your party.
  9. She will again confirm by asking “You’re OK with trading that Pincurchin?”.
  10. Again, choose Yes.
  11. This will begin the trade and your Pincurchin will go to her, while you receive her Haunter.
  12. After the Haunter gets registered in your Pokedex. You will see the Haunter begin to evolve. Once it completes its evolution, you will get Gengar.

That covers this guide on how to Get Gengar without friends in Pokemon Scarlet Violet. For similar guides I also suggest you check out how to get an Amulet coin and how to get TM 57 False Swipe. And for any other help on this game be sure to check our Pokemon Scarlet & Violet section.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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