Genshin Impact

How to Get Sunsettia in Genshin Impact

Here's a quick guide on how to collect Sunsettia in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact is one of the most talked-about free-to-play action role-playing video games right now.  Genshin Impact has plenty of items that players have been having trouble finding throughout the maps. One such item is Sunsettia.

If you are finding it hard to get your hands on Sunsettia then don’t worry, we have a guide explaining where to find Sunsettia in Genshin Impact. Apart from disclosing Sunsettia’s location, we will also explain its rarity and effects.

How to Get Sunsettia in Genshin Impact

Marvellous Merchandise event is currently underway in Genshin Impact. During this event, Liben asks every Genshin Impact players to gather some materials and get Boxes o’ Marvel in return. On the 4th Day, Liben asked players to collect 10 Sunsettia.

In order to get Sunsettia in Genshin Impact, you will have to head over to the wild across Tayvat. There are certain locations where you will get enough number of Sunsettia. Making your work easier, we have brought to you four locations, helping you to collect 10 Sunsettia for Liben’s quest.

Similar to Apples, Sunsettia is found growing on trees. In order to get Sunsettia, you simply need to approach the tree and then press the prompt to get the fruit or hit the tree to make the Sunsettias fall to the ground.

Once you have gathered 10 Sunsettias, what all you need to do is to handover them to Liben and get your reward.

Also Read | Genshin Impact Stone Gate Location: Where To Find Liben

For the unversed, the Mervelous Merchandise event will be live untill November 2, 2020, and you would not be able to open any of the gifts after this date.

Speaking about its effects, Sunsettia is a plump fruit beautiful like the sunset. It has a curious sweet aroma and has the potential to energize an individual.

That’s basically all you need to know about where to find Sunsettia in Genshin Impact. While here, you can read how to ascend characters and weaponslocate hidden Whopperflower, and unlock Mona in Genshin Impact.

Eddy Robert

Aside from my Passion for Games, I am also a Professional Guitarist at The Harp, UK. Now working as a Freelance News and Guides writer at GamerTweak. You can reach me at

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