Genshin Impact Update 1.1: All Diona Skills Revealed

Here are all skills and abilities of Diona.

Diona is a character to be added in Genshin Impact’s much-awaited 1.1 update. The upcoming update will introduce two new five star characters (Zhongli and Childe) and two new four-star characters in 1.1 update. One of the two four-star characters is Cryo bow wielder Diona.

As per the official description, Diona is a young lady who has inherited trace amounts of non-human blood. She is one of the most popular bartenders of the Cat’s Tail tavern. Players will surely have a lot of fun playing Genshin Impact once 1.1 update is rolled out because she is the first bow user that utilizes the Cryo element and her abilities are themed after cats and mixology.

Genshin Impact All Diona Skills

When it comes to Diona’s abilities, miHoYo has not mentioned anything as of yet. However, there are some Twitter users who have been sharing leaked images of her kit.

According to reports, Diona’s Elemental Skill to be called Cryo Kitty Claws, serving two different functions depending on if the button is either pressed or held. If the button is pressed, Diona will fire two Kitty Claws that will cause Cryo DMG to enemies. However, if the button is held, Diona will dash backwards and launch five Kitty Claws.

Genshin Impact DIona Skills

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Kitty Claws not only promise Cryo DMG but grant Cryo shield as well, which will gain 75% DMG Absorption Bonus. The shield has a 250% Cryo DMG absorption Bonus and will infuse Diona with Cryo at the point of release. 

Diona has the potential to launch a cocktail shaker at her enemies that will deal AoE Cryo DMG and creates a Drunken Mist. Enemies caught in the Drunken Mist will continue to take Cryo DMG while Diona and her allies will regenerate the HP of characters standing in the Mist.

Considering her abilities and skills, every Genshin Impact will want to keep Diona on their team.

Base Stats

Here are all the character’s base stats before and after each Ascension:

Ascension Level HP ATK 1 DEF Specialized Stat 2
0 1 ? ? ?
20 ? ? ?
1 ? ? ?
40 ? ? ?
2 ? ? ? ?
50 ? ? ? ?
3 ? ? ? ?
60 ? ? ? ?
4 ? ? ? ?
70 ? ? ? ?
5 ? ? ? ?
80 ? ? ? ?
6/MAX ? ? ? ?
90/MAX ? ? ? ?


That’s all you need to know about Genshin Impact’s upcoming character, Diona. The game is currently available on PC, PS4, and mobile devices.