Elden Ring

Elden Ring: How To Get General Radahn Armor Set

In the need of a good armor? You should get yourself Radahn's Armor Set in Elden Ring.

While playing Elden Ring you should get yourself the General Radahn Armor Set. It is one of the best armors in the game especially for the early to mid-game. This armor has decent stats and is recommended for Vagabond, Warrior, or Hero classes. So without further ado let us quickly check where to find Radahn’s armor in Elden Ring.

How to Get Radahn Armor in Elden Ring

You can get the Radahn Armor Set in Elden Ring from Enia after beating him. Defeating him is important because you can’t get it without doing this step. Follow the steps below to get the set.

  1. Go to the Roundtable hold also known as Table of Lost Grace.
  2. Next, go to Enia and purchase all the armor pieces from her. Radahn’s Set consists of:
    • Redmane Helm: You can buy this for 8000 Runes.
    • Lion Armor: You can buy this for 12000 Runes.
    • Gauntlets: You can buy this for 8000 Runes.
    • Greaves: You can buy this for 8000 Runes.
    • So the entire set will cost you 36000 Runes.

In case you haven’t defeated him yet I highly suggest you check our detailed guide on how to beat Radahn. But if you want some quick pointers on defeating him then try these things.

  • You can summon NPCs that are spread out throughout the battlefield. Summon them in order to get an advantage in the fight.
  • The fight has two phases. In the first phase, he uses a lot of melee attacks. As for his second phase, he will use more AoE and ranged attacks.
  • You can beat him with any character class once you learn its moves and if your character is decently leveled.
  • In case you have a mage build then use the sorcery Rock Sling from far while your summons distract him.

Radahn Armor stats.

  • Combined Weight: 41.6
  • Physical Damage Negation (Phy): 41
  • Strike: 32.7
  • Slash: 40.2
  • Pierce: 38.3
  • Magic Damage Negation: 29.3
  • Fire Damage Negation: 30.7
  • Lightning Damage Negation: 27.8
  • Holy Damage Negation: 29.3

That covers everything you should know about where to find the General Radahn Armor set in Elden Ring. Since you are looking for armors also check our other guides on how to get the Blaidd’s armor and the Banished Knight armor in this game.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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