Fortnite has been notoriously known for updating the game quite often and bringing in new item or events that completely change the feel of the game. After the New Year’s event that covered the entire island with ice and Marshmello’s concert which brought in the highest number of streamers ever seen on a single game. Along with this Fortnite is also about to bring v7.40 update.
Although the new update isn’t live yet, there have been a lot of information leaks which has given us a pretty good idea what to expect when the new update comes to the game.
Update 7.40
What’s New
Fortnite is ready to reintroduce Crossbows for a limited time for Valentine’s Day event. The event last year brought in a lot of new features as well as new cosmetic items so it remains to be seen what
Zip lines
Zip lines have been one of the most controversial things that have split the opinions of the fans and Fortnite has tweaked settings that will help players not be attached automatically to the zip lines, and have also taken away the fall damage from zip lines.
Hand Cannon
The hand cannon has also been incredibly notorious and fortnite has paid attention to them in this update and have reduced the structural damage from 150 to 100
Here below are items that have been tweaked
Fortnite v7.40 patch notes
Planes will no longer be able to smash through structures
Zipline interact prompt added, and using a Zipline will grant fall damage immunity
Hand Cannon structure damage reduced from 150 to 100
Turbo Build delay decreased from 0.15s to 0.05s
Rocket Launcher reload time increased from 2.52s to 3.24s
Added the ability to crouch while in Edit Mode
We will update soon when the update goes live, to keep up with notifications, follow us on social media.
Also Read: Fortnite Season 7, Week 10 Challenges Details & How To Complete Them