Fortnite Brings Star-Lord and Black Widow To Help The Avengers

Time for a dance off, bro.

Avengers: Endgame has been the dominant topic in popular media and the Avengers team along with Thanos and his minions have invaded the island of Fornite as well, this crossover has been of the greatest in recent times.

Along with the rest of the characters already available, Fornite has released a Starlord costume and emote in their recent update.

We get Chirs Pratt’s character doing the iconic dance from Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 1 against Ronan the Accuser.

You can check out the tweet below which shows Starlord in all his glory coming to Fortnite

Other playable characters from the MCU which made their way into Fortnite is the Black Widow and you can check her out in the below tweet.

Fortnite has been pushing the envelope again and again with Season 8 trying to match the events that took place in Season 7 and hopefully even trying to top it.

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