How To Craft Flying Fish Bones Charm In WoW Dragonflight

This is all you need to do to find and craft Flying Fish Bones Charm in World of Warcraft Dragonflight.

Want to obtain the Flying Fish Bones to craft Flying Fish Bones charm in World of Warcraft WoW Dragonflight? The Charm lets you find and catch fish in pools of the highest mountains across the Dragon Isles. Even though Fishing Holes are good for locating rare fishes, it is with this charm that you find and hunt at high ranges. Fishing might not be the primary occupation in this game, but it certainly is fun.

How to Get Flying Fish Bones and Charm in World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Craft Flying Fish Bones Charm In WoW Dragonflight

You will find Flying Fish Bones at [12.52, 49.95] of the Azure Span. And you must have reached Renown level 6 with Iskaara Tuskarr to get this material. If you are at that level, then read along and find Flying Fish Bones in WoW Dragonflight.

  • You can go to the location marked on the picture. Find Tavio there. And speak to him.
  • Next, select “I’d like to obtain or improve Iskaaran fishing gear.
  • Under the Fishing Spots section, you will see Flying Fish Bones Charm. Select it, and you will learn about this item.
  • Now close the trade window and take the route to the nearest water body. Then look for the dead monster and tables filled with meat.
  • You will find the Flying Fish Bones in front of those tables.
  • Pick up the material and add it to your bag.

How to Craft Charm in WoW Dragonflight

  • Once you have obtained the Bones, go back to the Tavio in Azure Span.
  • Speak to him and select “I’d like to obtain or improve Iskaaran fishing gear.
  • This time, use the Bones to get the Flying Fish Bones Charm.

That’s all you need to do to find and craft Flying Fish Bones Charm in WoW: World of Warcraft Dragonflight. Now use the charm with Fishing Holes to become the best fisher of WoW. Now, there are many things that you can achieve in the game, so read how to get Amalgam and find Trial of the Elements.