How To Farm And Grow Rye In Manor Lords

Rye can be a useful crop that players can farm and even grow in Manor Lords. If you are in need of this crop, this guide is all you will need.

There are numerous items and resources that players will need for their settlements. Among these food takes a certain priority and players will need to plant and harvest crops. While Wheat is one of the most useful ones, Rye is another one that players would want to harvest from the fields. If you are wondering how to farm and grow Rye in Manor Lords, this guide is all you are looking for.

While Wheat and Rye both can be used to be turned into Grain, Rye can grow over lower fertility areas compared to Wheat. Grain is a necessity to produce Flour. Rye Cultivation is quite important for players and they need to unlock this from the development Skill Tree as soon as possible.

How to Get Rye in Manor Lords

How Rye Cultivation Works in Manor Lords
Image via Gamers Heroes (YT)

The only way to obtain Rye in Manor Lords is by cultivating it in one of your fields. Since you can farm it in lower fertility areas, the only thing you need to do is unlock it in the development Skill Tree. However, before you can reach Rye Cultivation on the Skill Tree, you will have to unlock Orchardry. It is the missing link to Rye Cultivation and players cannot unlock one without the other.

While there is the option of Trading available, it is likely that you will get to farming this crop on your own. Rye can be converted into Grain using a Farmhouse, and that can be turned into Flour by constructing Windmills. All the materials are connected to one another so players will need to unlock Rye Cultivation quickly.

That’s all you will need to get Rye in Manor Lords. Since you are new to Manor Lords, you might want to check out our dedicated section for more such guides right here at Gamer Tweak.