Sony has recently confirmed that its next presentation focused on the first games for PlayStation 5 will be held on June 4. Hours later after the confirmation of the PS5 event, Jim Ryan, CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, confirmed that there will be exclusive games for PS5 that will not be playable on PS4.
The above generated an interesting opinion amongst players and game developers, especially since Sony’s strategy was contrasted with that of Microsoft, which seeks to make some of the first Xbox Series X games playable on Xbox One as well. Soon afterwards, Mike Ybarra, a former Xbox boss and now a Blizzard executive, joined the conversation and spoke about Sony’s plans for exclusive games.
The Vice President of Blizzard on Twitter was questioned about the decision of Sony not bringing PlayStation 5 games to PS4. In case you don’t remember, Ryan said it’s time to give the PlayStation community something that can only be played on the next-gen console.
Agreeing to the words of the Sony CEO, Ybarra said he likes what Sony is doing. The executive also noted that he finds it attractive to have “something that is the absolute latest tech and shows off my investment in the best possible way.”
In the same way, Ybarra also believes that focusing on PS5 and exclusive games will help reduce development time, as studios will only have to focus on optimization for one system. But, the executive also noted that he knows the industry well and that the strategy of Sony may have some disadvantages with a “smaller install base.”
Recall that PS5 will release at the end of this year 2020.