Video Game Guides

What Are Duo Boons And How To Get Them In Hades

Duo boons are 3-tier boons and have equivalent status to the legendary boons. Follow this guide to know everything about how to get duo boons in Hades.

Duo boons are powerful and useful boons that Zagreus can get and equip during his run in an action-packed adventure in Hades. Unlike the normal boons, duo boons are very rare to get in Hades. However, there are a few secret ways that can increase your chances of getting the rare duo boons. Follow this guide to find more about dou boons, what they are, how to use them, and how many are available in Hades. So without any further delay, let’s delve deep into our duo boons Hades guide.

What are Duo Boons in Hades?

Duo Boons are equivalent to legendary boons. They can be collected by accepting boons from two different Greek gods. When a specific set of boons is collected from both the gods, you can then get a duo boon. You would have by now understood that duo boons combine the effects of two gods into one.

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Duo Boons in Hades?

You can increase your chances in a few ways. First of these ways is to select the same or a few gods. Each run begins with a god’s presentation. Hence, selecting only a few gods or the same god in all the runs increases your chances of getting more boons from them and thereby getting the rare duo boon.

Another way to increase your chance of getting duo boons in Hades is by using the keepsake. Every god has a preferred keepsake, for instance, Zeus has Thunder Signet as a preferred keepsake. USing these keepsakes from the god increases your chances of getting duo boons from that god.

The last of increasing your chance of getting duo boons in Hades is by spending darkness on God’s legacy talent. You can earn darkness in many ways, one of which is by fishing in Hades. Once you have enough darkness points, you can head to the Mirror of Night in Zagreus’ room and interact with it to increase chances of getting a legendary or duo boons.

How to Use Duo Boons in Hades?

Once you have the duo boons and have equipped it, you can use it similarly to any other attack. There are a total of 28 duo boons in Hades and each one of them has a unique set of effects and uses. Depending on the effect, you can use duo boons to control some difficult situations.

What Duo Boons are Available in Hades?

As mentioned previously there are 28 duo boons available in the game. Here’s a list of all the duo boons. We have also mentioned the gods that grant those duo boons and their effects on Zagreus.

Cold Fusion (Demeter/Zeus)

Jolted effects don’t expire when foes attack.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Demeter boons: Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, Frost Strike, or Demeter’s Aid.
Zeus boons: Static Discharge.

Low Tolerance (Aphrodite/Dionysus)

Hangover effects can stack for more time against Weak enemies.
Max Stacks: +3
Aphrodite boons: Heartbreak Strike, Crush Shot, Passion Dash, or Heartbreak Flourish.
Dionysus boons: Drunken Flourish, Drunken Strike, Drunken Dash or Dionysus’ Aid

Freezing Vortex (Ares/Demeter)

Cast inflicts Chill, but smaller and move slower.
Blade Rift Size: +33%
Ares boons: Slicing Flare or Slicing Shot.
Demeter boons: Demeter’s Aid, Frost Flourish, Frost Strike, or Mistral Dash.

Vengeful Mood (Ares/Zeus)

Revenge effects sometimes occur without taking damage. Minimum 1 Revenge effect from any god required for Vengeful Mood.
Auto-Revenge Rate: 3.5 seconds.
Ares boons: Curse of Agony, Curse of Pain, or Curse of Vengeance.
Zeus boons: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Electric Shot, Thunder Dash, or Heaven’s Vengeance.

Blizzard Shot (Demeter/Poseidon)

Cast moves slowly, piercing foes and firing shards around it.
Shard Damage: 40
Demeter boons: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, or Snow Burst.
Poseidon boons: Flood Shot.

Heart Rend (Aphrodite/Artemis)

Critical hits do more damage to Weak enemies.
Bonus Critical Damage: +50%
Aphrodite boons: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Crush Shot, or Passion Dash.
Artemis boons: Deadly Strike or Deadly Flourish or True Shot.

Mirage Shot (Artemis/Poseidon)

Cast fires a second projectile, though it has reduced damage.
Secondary Shot Damage: 30%
Artemis boons: Deadly Flourish or True Shot.
Poseidon boons: Tempest Flourish or Flood Shot.

Sweet Nectar (Aphrodite/Poseidon)

All Poms of Power you find is more effective.
Pom Level Increase: 1
Aphrodite boons: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Crush Shot, Passion Dash or Aphrodite’s Aid.
Poseidon boons: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid.

Unshakable Mettle (Athena/Poseidon)

Cannot be stunned, and you also resist some damage from Bosses.
Boss Damage Reduction: 5%
Athena boons: Divine Strike.
Poseidon boons: Tidal Dash or Flood Shot.

Calculated Risk (Dionysus/Athena)

Foes’ ranged-attack projectiles are slower.
Foe Projectile Speed Reduction: +40%
Dionysus boons: Dionysus’ Aid, Drunken Dash, Drunken Flourish, or Drunken Strike.
Athena boons: Athena’s Aid, Divine Dash, Divine Flourish, or Divine Strike.

Deadly Reversal (Artemis/Athena)

After you Deflect, briefly gain +20% chance to deal critical damage.
Critical Duration: 2 seconds.
Artemis boons: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, True Shot, Hunter Dash or Artemis’ Aid.
Athena boons: Divine Strike, Divine Flourish, or Divine Dash.

Parting Shot (Aphrodite/Athena)

Cast gains any bonuses your have for striking foes from behind.
Bonus Backstab Damage: +25%
Aphrodite boons: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Crush Shot, Aphrodite’s Aid or Passion Dash.
Athena boons: Divine Strike, Divine Flourish, Phalanx Shot, Divine Dash, or Athena’s Aid.

Splitting Headache (Dionysus/Artemis)

Hangover-afflicted foes are more likely to take Critical damage.
Bonus Critical Chance Per Hangover Stack: +1.5%
Dionysus boons: Dionysus’ Aid, Drunken Dash, Drunken Flourish, or Drunken Strike.
Artemis boons: Artemis’ Aid, Deadly Flourish, Deadly Strike, or True Shot.

Ice Wine (Demeter/Dionysus)

Cast blasts an area with freezing Festive Fog that inflicts Chill.
Blast Damage: +30%
Demeter boons: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash or Demeter’s Aid.
Dionysus boons: Trippy Shot.

Curse of Longing (Aphrodite/Ares)

Doom effects continuously strike Weak foes.
Successive Hit Damage: +50%
Aphrodite boons: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Crush Shot or Passion Dash.
Ares boons: Curse of Agony or Curse of Pain.

Lightning Phalanx (Athena/Zeus)

Cast bounces between enemies.
Max Bounces: 3
Athena boons: Phalanx Shot.
Zeus boons: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Thunder Dash, or Electric Shot.

Sea Storm (Poseidon/Zeus)

Your knock-away effects also cause foes to be struck by lighting.
Lightning Damage: 40
Poseidon boons: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash or Poseidon’s Aid.
Zeus boons: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Electric Shot, Thunder Dash or Zeus’ Aid.

Crystal Clarity (Demeter/Artemis)

The cast is stronger and tracks foes more effectively.
Beam Damage: +10%
Demeter boons: Crystal Beam.
Artemis boons: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, Hunter Dash, or Artemis’ Aid.

Lightning Rod (Artemis/Zeus)

Collectible Bloodstone strikes nearby foes every 1.5 seconds.
Lightning Damage: 100
Artemis boons: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, True Shot, Hunter Dash or Artemis’ Aid.
Zeus boons: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Thunder Dash, Electric Shot or Zeus’ Aid.

Smoldering Air (Aphrodite/Zeus)

God Gauge charges up automatically but is capped at 25%.
Auto Gauge Gain: 1% every 0.2 seconds.
Aphrodite boons: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Crush Shot, Passion Dash, Aphrodite’s Aid.
Zeus boons: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Electric Shot, Thunder Dash, Zeus’ Aid.

Curse of Drowning (Ares/Poseidon)

The cast is a pulse that deals damage to foes around you.
Pulses Per Cast: 3
Ares boons: Curse of Agony, Curse of Pain or Ares’ Aid.
Poseidon boons: Flood Shot.

Hunting Blades (Ares/Artemis)

The cast creates a faster Blade Rift that seeks the nearest foe.
Seek Duration: 3.3 Seconds.
Ares boons: Slicing Shot.
Artemis boons: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, Hunter Dash or Artemis’ Aid.

Exclusive Access (Dionysus/Poseidon)

Any Boons you find have superior effects.
Minimum Boon Rarity: Epic
Dionysus boons: Drunken Strike, Drunken Flourish, Trippy Shot, Drunken Dash, or Dionysus’ Aid.
Poseidon boons: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid.

Stubborn Roots (Athena/Demeter)

While you have no Stubborn Defiance, your Life slowly recovers.
Life Regeneration: 1 Life every 0.8 seconds.
Athena boons: Divine Strike, Divine Dash, Athena’s Aid.
Demeter boons: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Demeter’s Aid.

Curse of Nausea (Dionysus/Ares)

Hangover effects deal damage faster.
Hangover Damage Rate: 0.3 seconds.
Dionysus boons: Drunken Strike, Drunken Flourish or Drunken Dash.
Ares boons: Curse of Agony, Blade Dash or Curse of Pain.

Merciful End (Ares/Athena)

Attacks that can Deflect immediately activate Doom effects.
Doom Combo Damage: 50
Ares boons: Curse of Agony or Curse of Pain.
Athena boons: Divine Strike, Divine Flourish, or Divine Dash.

Scintillating Feast (Dionysus/Zeus)

Festive Fog effects also deal with lightning damage periodically.
Lightning Damage: 60
Dionysus boons: Trippy Shot or High Tolerance.
Zeus boons: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Electric Shot, Thunder Dash or Zeus’ Aid.

Cold Embrace (Aphrodite/Demeter)

Cast crystal fires its beam directly at you for +4 seconds.
Bonus Cast Damage: +30%
Aphrodite boons: Passion Dash, Aphrodite’s Aid.
Demeter boons: Crystal Beam.

That’s everything to know about where and how to get duo boons in Hades. There are a few other things that you should consider learning about Hades. For instance, you can read about how to get companions in Hades. Companions can also increase the stats and power of Zagreus.


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