The Division 2

The Division 2 Hidden Outfit Location Guide

There is a Hidden Outfit in Division 2 that you need to locate early in the game. This Division 2 Guide will show where to find the hidden outfits.

There is a secret outfit in The Division 2 and, while it is absolutely necessary to upgrade your tech and weapons every chance you get, not a lot of light gets shed upon outfits in The Division 2. Although they are just cosmetic items and do not boost stats in any way, it feels nice to stand apart from the rest.

Redditor u/riproarin999 posted in the Division subreddit how to achieve this secret outfit, he wrote:

There is a secret side mission southeast of the Navy Hill control point. Go on the road around the corner up to a building near an shd tech. There will be a doorway with lockers in it and a manhole. An NPC is down there that starts a mission. The reward is called Retro Field Outfit and as an outfit, it replaces all clothing and hides body armor pieces except the backpack.

Here is the map which pinpoints the location of the mission which rewards the secret outfit.

Here is how the outfit looks, gives a bit of vintage look to it and seems pretty different than the ones we otherwise get in the game.

Check out more DIvision 2 Guides or, let us know what you think of this outfit in the comment section below

Also Read:The Division 2 Dark Zone Rogue Strategy Guide

Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at

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