Demon Piece Races Tier List – Best Races Ranked

Wondering which are the best races in this game? Players can take advantage of our Demon Piece races tier list and find out which one they should choose.

Demon Piece race tier list will contain all the information you need to determine which race you must select and progress in. This One Piece-inspired Roblox game consists of seven different races, each with skills, abilities, and powers. If you are confused and want to know which is the strongest race, this guide is for you. Here, we have ranked all the races from best to worst after considering all the perks the races have to offer and other factors.

Demon Piece Races Tier List

Demon Piece Races Tier List
Image Credits – Demon Time Games

In the following tier list, we have ranked all the races from best to worst:

4 C Tier

  • Human

3 B Tier

  • Mink
  • Skypian

2 A Tier

  • Oni
  • Cyborg

1 S Tier

  • Fishman
  • Lunarian

As mentioned above, we have added Fishman and Lunarian into the S tier category, this is because both of these races are undoubtedly, the best ones you can get.

However, it is important to note that Fishman has a 15% drop chance while using the race spin and Lunarian is quite rare, as a result, there is only a 5% chance that you might be able to unlock this race.

Regarding their abilities, your character can swim fast while using the Fishman race. Although this skill might not seem like much, it can help you deal with terrifying sea monsters.

On the other hand, if you are of the Lunarian race, you can inflict 2x burn damage and completely destroy your opponents. You are also immune to any fire attacks and can use a fire-charged attack when you use the M1 Burn.

This concludes our detailed Demon Piece races tier list. If you are looking to learn more about this action-packed RPG, you can also check out our fruit tier list, weapons tier list, and Demon Piece Codes.