Came across the Tesla lab building in Dead Rails and noticed a strange Brain in Jar? Interestingly, it has two purposes. It makes for the head of a creature that you can assemble or you can sell it for money if you’re short of cash. Here’s what you need to know about this valuable item.
Dead Rails Brain in Jar
The Tesla Lab can be randomly seen between the 50-60km mark in your journey and when you spot it, explore and collect various items scattered across the area. One of the major items is the Brain in Jar which is kept on a wooden table. It’s a crucial body part to complete the assembly of the Nikola Tesla boss, a powerful Werewolf that appears at the 80km point if you combine its body here.
This is a tough boss fight so if you believe that you might be underprepared for a challenging enemy like this, you can skip it and instead, sell the Brain in Jar for $250. However, if you wish to assemble his body, follow these steps:
- Look for the limbs all over the Tesla building.
- Bring them back to the table at the center.
- After assembling the creature, go to the room with the machine and interact with the lever to start the power.
- This will revive the monster over time, but until then, you need to deal with waves of zombie scientists that appear. Stay inside the building and use your ranged weapons to take them down.
- Once the revival process is over, the creature disappears from the table after getting electrocuted.
- Make sure to collect the Electrocutioner gun which needs a Lightning rod to charge and can be useful to defeat this boss at the end of your journey. Plus, collect everything else that can be helpful such as Bonds.
That’s everything you need to know about the Brain in Jar item in Dead Rails. Here’s a visual guide on how you can beat the Tesla boss at the end: