Days Gone New Update Dead Don’t Ride Is Tons Of Fun

Days Gone has been one of the well-received games in recent history by fans and critics alike, Days Gone features a ton of action where you fight off zombie-like creatures called freakers, but the recent update brings a new unexpected twist. The new update titled, “Dead Don’t Ride”, brings a new mode in which you pick up and drive survivors to their location kind of like Crazy Taxi.

This new mode is more fun to play with than to write about, it completely shifts the attention from freakers to the time limit that is ticking and you will be always running against the clock. The new mode is titled “Dead Don’t Ride”. The objective is to reach the destination in a golf cart in time and run over as many freakers as possible.

Days Gone is pushing the limits of the game, with fun game mode after another and post endgame content seems to be more fun and immersive than initially thought. Bend Studios have really spun a new outlook for Days Gone.

The game might have a sequel in the future, as seen in the ending of the game but it is still may be too early to talk about it, but if the developers at Bend Studios continue to deliver such high-quality content then there wouldn’t be a need for a sequel so soon.

Days Gone is a PlayStation 4 exclusive and is available for purchase right now.