Escape From Tarkov

Escape From Tarkov Database Part 2 Task Guide

Here is a complete walkthrough on the Database Part 2 task from Ragman in Tarkov.

Some of Ragman’s quests in Tarkov are known to be tedious and can often frustrate players. But the Database Part 2 quest is a welcome change. The whole objective of the quest is to find a document and exfil safely. Sounds simple. However, many players are struggling to find the location of the document. This quest is moderately easy if you know where to look for it. Don’t worry, as we will help you get started. Here is how to complete Database Part 2 in Escape from Tarkov.

How to Complete Database Part 2 in Escape from Tarkov

To complete the Database Part 2 Quest in Escape from Tarkov, you need to:

  1. Find the OLI Logistics Department Office Key
  2. Obtain the OLI cargo route documents on the Interchange map
  3. Survive and Extract
  4. Hand over the documents to Ragman

The OLI logistics department office key will help you access the room which contains the Cargo Route documents. We will show you where to find the key and the location of the OLI cargo route documents in Escape from Tarkov.

Where to Find the OLI Logistics Department Office Key

The OLI Logistics Department Office key can be found in jackets, pockets, and bags of Scavs. The key also has a hard spawn on the Customs map inside the trunk of a blue car. You will come across this car between the Factory area of Customs and the new Gas Station. Once you get this key, go to the next part of the Database Part 2 quest to find the Cargo Route Documents.

OLI Cargo Route Documents Location in Escape From Tarkov Database Part 2

Map Source:

To get the Cargo Route documents, you must head to the location on the Interchange map above. Once you’re at the OLI section of the shopping mall, follow the steps below to complete the penultimate task of the Data Base Part 2 mission:

  1. After reaching OLI, look out for the Safe Room. You can identify it with a logo that appears like the exit symbol.
  2. Open up the door and turn left. You will now see a locked door in the hallway with a fallen shelf in front of it.
  3. This is the room that contains the OLI Cargo Route Documents. It is the first door on your right side.
  4. Approach the door and use the OLI Logistics Department Office key to unlock it.
  5. Once you enter inside, go towards the left side, and you will find the documents you need on a shelf.

Extract Safely & Hand Over the Documents to Ragman

Now that you have the OLI Cargo Route Documents, you must survive the raid and extract. If you die before exfil, you will have to go through the process of finding the documents again. After you extract, hand over the documents to Ragman to complete the Database Part 2 quest. These are the rewards you will receive:

  • +8,500 EXP
  • Ragman Rep +0.03
  • 1× Car battery
  • 1× Phase control relay

That’s everything covered on how to complete Database Part 2 in Escape from Tarkov. If this helped you, check out other mission guides like Courtesy Visit quest by Jaeger and Golden Swag by Skier in our EFT section.

Milton Dsouza

Milton is an open-world fanatic who is currently on his umpteenth replay of RDR2. Apart from exploring the Wild West on his Turkoman horse, he is also mesmerized by the outrageous building mechanics in Zelda TOTK and relishes engaging in PvP battles while playing Warzone DMZ. Fascinated by the Soulslike genre, Milton can't wait to set foot in Elden Ring next.

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