Destiny 2: Daily Focus Playlist Explained

Check out our guide to find out everything about the Daily Focus Playlist in Destiny 2.

With the Guardian Games this year, players have a chance to farm tons of Laurels in Destiny 2. Similar to the last Daily Focus Playlist, you will face enemies of different classes. These activities will be replaced with a set time. As you destroy the enemies, collect the dropped Laurels. These aren’t class-specific and can be used to earn medallions. So, here’s our guide on everything to know about the Daily Focus Playlist in Destiny 2.

What is Daily Focus Playlist in Destiny 2

Similar to the daily activities in most of the games, the Daily focus playlist features different activities. You need to complete these activities before the day ends. These activities are replaced by new ones every day. Last year, these playlists worked slightly differently from the current one. Players would grind on the Strikes and the Crucible the next day. All of these activities were available for a specific and set period.

destiny 2 guardian games daily focus playlist

Coming back to the Guardian Games, the current Daily Focus playlist features two types of playlists. You can either play Training Playlist or Competetive Playlist.

Players can grind on the Daily Focus on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for competitive matches. And for the remaining days, Guardians can train themselves on Training Playlist. As these activities will expire at the end of Guardian Games, try to get the best out of both playlists.

Where is the Daily Focus Playlist

Follow these steps, to start with the Guardian Games playlists:

  • Head over to the maps or destinations in your menu.
  • As you look to the top-left corner, hit the E button that will prompt all of the Milestones.
  • For PS players, hit the L2 button.
  • For the Xbox players, hit the LT button on your controller.
  • Once you have pressed the button, you can see the completion percentage of the Daily focus Playlists.
  • You will find the icon of the Daily Focus Games on some of the planets.
destiny 2 daily focus playlist
Image Source – Ordinary Sense on YouTube.
  • You can hover your spacecraft onto that planet, to begin with, the Daily Focus grind.
  • In addition to that, you can always track your progress by sliding the menu. It will guide you on the number of laurels and different medallions you carry.
  • While you can earn Laurels by defeating the enemies with abilities, you can also earn medallions by completing Eva’s Contender and different activities.
  • You can also get some amazing legendary weapons in these Guardian Games.

That’s all on everything to know about the Daily Focus Playlist in Destiny 2. If you liked this guide, check out more guides on our dedicated section for Destiny 2 right here on Gamer Tweak.