Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Adam Smasher Who Is He?

Find out who is Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk 2077.

As the release date for CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077 comes closer, we are witnessing many revelations about the game. The latest round of trailers and gameplay walkthroughs briefly revealed a returning character to Cyberpunk 2077. The developers said that this returning character is none other than Adam Smasher. This has made several gamers wonder who is Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk 2077 and what role will he play in the game. Hence, we are here to discuss everything that you need to know about who is Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk 2077.

Who is Adam Smasher Boss in Cyberpunk 2077?

Adam Smasher is a full-fledged cyborg who is employed by Arasaka. He is the one who killed Johnny Silverhand and sent him to hell. Adam is not on great terms with Morgan Blackhand, his rival. After the RPG blast, Arasaka gave Adam two choices, either to die or become a cyborg and join Arasaka. That’s when he pledged his life to it.

Adam was born in the streets of New York and joined the army when his gang was thrashed by them. He was then expelled from the army due to his bad behavior. After that, he kept himself busy with crime contracts in New York City. After a couple of years, he was almost dead in a battle when Arasaka made him the offer to become a cyborg to which he said yes.

Adam Smasher was then recruited by Arasaka to fight in the Fourth Corporate War. He was happy to join them as he knew that his rival Morgan Blackhand would most probably be hired by Militech who is their rival. Since then, he is devoted to Arasaka and completely loyal to the company.

That’s the basic lore you need to know about who is Adam Smasher in Cyberpunk 2077 to get started with the game. We will update this guide when more information is revealed and we’ll also let you know if you can romance Adam Smasher in this game too (in case you are curious).

Meanwhile, make sure that you find answers for can you buy houses or can you join a gang in Cyberpunk 2077. Also, consider reading which lifepath to choose in Cyberpunk 2077 and how to switch lifepaths if you end up choosing the wrong one.


A content writer who loves playing games in real world, on PC & Mobile, and with words. Has a soft corner for technology and how it is transforming the business world. You can reach out to me at

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