
How To Build A Village In LEGO Fortnite

Created the world but stuck at creating a village in LEGO Fortnite? Here is how to build it.

Creating a village in LEGO Fortnite is the first step towards building & developing your settlement in any biome. It is your base where you craft weapons and other items for the adventure. It allows you to recruit NPC characters who can be tasked with works like cooking, mining, and harvesting. This will save you time and you can hunt for materials like Shells and Brute Scale, which you’ll need a lot as you progress.

While it is not very difficult, being a new mechanism it can be a bit confusing to build and upgrade a village in the game. No need to worry though, as here we have given you everything you need to do for it.

How to Create and Upgrade a Village in LEGO Fortnite

Image Credit: Perfect Score on YouTube

You need to place a Village Square using the Build menu to create a village. The building is unlocked from the beginning in Sandbox, but not in Survival mode. To unlock it in survival you need to build shelter and a bed before it.

Once you have unlocked it, you are required to gather 10 Woods and 10 Granite for Village Square. Woods can be gathered from the surroundings, you’ll see piles of dry wood sticks depending on where you landed. As for the Granite, you can get it from the rocks.

  • After collecting both the items go to the Build menu from the bottom left corner.
  • Go to the Utility tab and place the Village Square from the Village section.
  • Now you can choose the icon and color to symbolize your base.

How to Upgrade a Village in LEGO Fortnite?

There are 10 levels in the village, whose requirements can be seen from the Upgrade Village tab of Village Square. The task consists of gathering and building materials. You’ll need more villagers for tasks, so build some beds, as you need those to recruit NPC characters.

Can You Build Multiple Villages?

Yes, you can build more villages in the game, just make sure they aren’t close to other ones. The open world of LEGO has different biomes, so you can have multiple villages within each one to fully explore and utilize it.

That’s all on how to create a village in LEGO Fortnite. If this was helpful and interesting to you, check our Fortnite section for more useful guides.

Mansi Singh

From Kemco's Glorious Savior, Asdivine Dios, Revenant Saga to Haiku's Asylum, Murder Inn, and Time Library. Mysterious and RPGs have always been the soul of my life. Today Magic Awakened, TOTK, Asphalt Legends, SoS AWL, and Ni no Kuni have grasped me. But the future untold full of exciting stories are waiting to be explored, and I wish to live them all.

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