Best Maps Tier List In Call Of Duty (COD) Vanguard

Find the best maps in COD Vanguard in this tier list.

If you are looking for a tier list to show you all of the best maps in Call of Duty (COD) Vanguard, you need not look any further. In this compilation, we will present to you all of the maps in this game, ranked in different tiers. These tiers are from S to D. Here, tier S contains the best maps in Vanguard, and tier D features the worst and least-recommended maps in Call of Duty Vanguard. You can use this compilation of maps to make sure you pick the best and most thrilling maps the next time you play the game.

Call Of Duty (COD) Vanguard Maps Tier List


S Tier Maps in COD Vanguard

The S tier in this COD Vanguard list features the best maps in the game. These maps offer the best gameplay experience, and they let you enjoy the game to its fullest. In these maps, you will find plenty of vantage spots, as well as the ability to move quickly and catch up with enemies.

S Berlin
S Castle
S Desert Siege
S Sub Pens

A Tier Maps in Call of Duty Vanguard

Just like the S tier, the A tier maps offer great fun and enticing gameplay. These maps do have a few drawbacks, because of which they see themselves slip down from the S tier. It is important to remember, however, that you should not underestimate them.

A Demyansk
A Hotel Royal
A Shipment
A Das Haus
A Dome

B Tier

The B-tier maps in Vanguard can be said to be right in the middle of this tier list. While these maps are not the worst in the game, they are not right at the top either. They slot in somewhere in the middle. They do offer plenty of fun, but you might find them to be a little slow at times.

B Tuscan
B Bocage
B Gavutu

C Tier

C tier maps in COD Vanguard are not that great. In such maps, you might find yourself struggling for cover from snipers. These locations do not suit every type of player, so you need to keep this in mind when you play.

C Numa Numa
C Oasis
C Eagle’s Nest

D Tier

The D tier contains the worst maps in the game. We do not recommend you use any of them when you play Vanguard. This is because a lot of players find them to be quite slow, along with the inability to find cover when you want to.

D Decoy
D Red Star

So there you have it. These are all of the best maps in COD Vanguard in this tier list. As you can now see, you can refer to this list to pick the right map the next time you play the game. If you liked this compilation, check out our Tier Lists for your favorite games.