Brown Dust 2 Tier List (2024) – Best Characters

Check out our Brown Dust 2 Tier List for the rankings of your favorite characters.

With our Brown Dust 2 Tier List, you can build a lineup of your favorite characters according to their rankings. Character collection is a major part of any game and this adventure RPG is no different. With so many characters on offer, choosing the best can become quite difficult. However, our guide will aim to make things simpler for you by ranking the best characters. You will also find the costumes and rarity of your favorite characters right here.

Brown Dust 2 Tier List

brown dust 2 best characters

Tier 1 – Best Characters in Brown Dust 2

Characters Costume Rarity (Star)
Arines Priest of Vitality 3-star
Rou White Cat, Nature’s Claw 5-star
Samay Kind Liberator, Kind Student 4-star
Justia White Reaper 5-star
Alec The Destruction 5-star
Arines Priest of Vitality 3-star
Liatris Rodev’s Star 5-star

Tier 2

Characters Costume Rarity (Star)
Andrew Loyal Butler 4-star
Celia The Curse, Descendant of the Great Witch 5-star
Lathel Medicinal Herb Tracker, Lonely Survivor, Dark Knight, and Promise of Vengeance 5-star
Rubia Thorn of the Desert 4-star
Teresse Angel of Destruction 5-star
Kry Liberated Marauder, Violent Student 4-star
Sylvia Desert Flower 5-star
Gray The Sharpshooter of the Mist, Vanguard, B-Rank Manager 5-star
Wiggle Bomb in the Hoodie, Bomb Fanatic 3-star
Emma Haggard Delinquent, School Queen 3-star

Tier 3

Characters Costume Rarity (Star)
Liatris Rodev’s Star 5-star
Elise Lovely Lady 5-star
Layla Anvil of Creation 4-star
Lucrezia Seductive Wings 4-star
Jayden Beautiful Girl Devotee 4-star
Rafina Steel Engine, Code Name A 5-star
Anastasia Gentle Maid, Fire Graffiti 5-star
Celia The Curse, Descendant of the Great Witch 5-star
Scheherazade The Lapis Witch, The Magic School Professor, Code Name S 5-star
Olstein The Fiend Scholar 5-star

Tier 4 – Brown Dust 2

Characters Costume Rarity (Star)
Lisianne Wandering Priest 4-star
Carlson The Mercenary Knight 3-star
Beatrice The Mighty Warrior of the Tribe 3-star
Rigenette Little Hunter 4-star
Julie Healer 3-star
Bernie Righteous Raider Girl 4-star
Helena Top Idol, B-Rank Idol 5-star
Synthia Warmth within the Severe Cold 3-star
Remnunt Combat Doctor 3-star
Gynt Lugo Hunter 3-star
Ingrid Kardis’ Bullet 3-star
Eleaneer Piercing Magic Bow, B-Rank Idol 5-star

That’s everything covered in the Brown Dust 2 Tier List. We hope you found the rankings of these characters helpful. For more ratings of characters from your favorite games, head to our Tier List section.