
The Best Open World Games To Play

Here we list 5 of the very best Open World Games you'll enjoy playing.

Open world games have since forever captivated gamers by utilizing lore or storylines alongside engaging quests. In this guide, we list 5 of the very best open-world games that you can play. Keep in mind that we’ve chosen these games while taking a lot of factors into consideration. Therefore,  in the scenario that your favorite open-world games don’t show up in this list, remember this is just our take. Furthermore, with new releases popping up ever so often, a certainty when labeling “The Best” always stands variable. So without any further delay, here are the 5 best open-world games available to play right now.

The Best Open World Games

These are currently the Best Open World Games you can choose to play. They stand out from the others when it comes to bringing a wide variety of offerings to players. Moreover, these provide extremely immersive in-game experiences that set them apart. Find the Best Open World Games mentioned below.

Horizon Zero Dawn

We begin our Best Open World games list with Horizon Zero Dawn. This game is set in a post-apocalyptic world that redefines what post-apocalyptic means. It could be said that Horizon Zero Dawn possesses probably the most beautiful growth of reimagined lands and environments. Seriously, what part of these insanely beautiful sceneries screams “We just survived an apocalypse”?.  This game could easily have you stopping to just stare at the beauty that it radiates long after the missions and quests are completed. In-game, you take control of the prodigious outcast Aloy who seeks to uncover the past of these lands. In her path stand reptilian robots and other creepy mechanically enhanced artificial beasts. Even if we brush aside the breathtaking sceneries, the gameplay offered in itself is reason enough for you to play Horizon Zero Dawn. The game is available on Windows and PlayStation 4.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed is a franchise that doesn’t need any sort of introduction regarding its open-world experience. However, Ubisoft has taken a superior route to incorporate an incomparably amazing selection of scenic factors in a game that’s primarily growing around war. You play while expanding territories to find a new home for Eivor the Viking’s clan. Packed to the brim with a lot of side quests for a ton of regions, traversing the maps alongside the fictionally reimagined England is something definitely worth your time. Needless to say, this is easily the most visually pleasing installment of Assassin’s Creed’s Open World environments. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available on Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and  Xbox Series X.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is what invites the game’s Open World wild environment and rough-minded NPCs to play against the player’s expectations. The game plays along to a moderate flow of pace. Now while some of the optional in-game activities and side quests aren’t highly rewarding or crucial, every second put into the game is worth it. You’ll enjoy taking off into the wild and hunting out the huge range of animals on the list. After a while, you’ll realize that this really becomes an addictive hobby in-game. The realistic interaction between the wild and the player makes this game a must-play. Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Ghost of Tsushima

Ghost Of Tsushima presents a view into an open world that’s never been seen before in gaming. If we were to describe the game in a single word, it’d be a crime if we didn’t say “Perfect”. Ghost of Tsushima could stand up and probably win the title of most visually pleasing graphics in Open World gaming history. The initial impressions were more connoting of a world of total combat and settlements amidst war. However, the storyline invites a little bit more than what you can perceive. We can’t stress this enough, but, the game is simply beyond anything you’ll have ever played. Highly recommended, this game felt like the perfect farewell the PS4 deserved before the PS5 launched. You can play Ghost Of Tsushima exclusively on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 goes above and beyond the setup of an Open-World title. The game encapsulates a storyline that still carries bits and pieces leftover from the previous 2 installments. Those components still invite discussions and arguments among the community. What’s more, is that each side quest has an additional story attached to it that’s just as invigorating as the main one. As Geralt the Witcher, if the brutal combat needs a break,  you may whistle out to Roach and simply gallop over the sceneries while avoiding grotesque creatures looking for a Witcher meal in the Open World. Magical Signs, Clean Sword combat, a deeply unsettling storyline, concocting potions- you’ll need to play this game to understand why the fanbase keeps replaying it over and over. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available on Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S,  Xbox Series X as well as on the Nintendo Switch.

There you have it. These are our recommendations for the very best open-world games you can play. We made sure to include a lot of factors while curating this list. It was only after intricately studying what each game represented and brought to users, that we named these 5. Moreover, we reiterate once again that this list represents our understanding of what the best Open World games are supposed to contain in making the top 5 list. We hope you liked this guide and it helped you. We at GamerTweak often post articles and guides about the best games of a certain genre or for a specific platform to help you out in your selection. Likewise, here’s a guide that lists the best multiplayer horror games to play with your friends.

Jude Lobo

Hi, I'm Jude. I like playing games and soccer. That's probably why I like writing about them. No, I'm not the Jude from that Beatle's Song.

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