Elden Ring Best Colossal Sword Build (Weapons & Armors)

Here is the best Colossal Sword Build that you should use in Elden Ring.

Colossal Swords are one of the strongest weapons in Elden Ring. Not only are they very effective in the main story of the game. You can even have fun with them in PvP, especially now that the Colosseum update is here. So in this guide check out the best Colossal sword build to use in Elden Ring. Learn about the best stats, weapons, and armor you can use for it.

Best Colossal Sword Build in Elden Ring

elden ring best colossal sword build guide

The Best Colossal Sword build consists of the following swords and armor:

  • Best Colossal Sword: Watchdog’s Greatsword
  • Alternate options:
    • Starscourge Greatsword
    • Ruins Greatsword
  • Best Armor: Beast Champion Set
  • Alternate options:
    • Crucible Axe Set
    • Fingerprint Set

Here is why you might want to use them.

Best Colossal Sword

The best Colossal Sword is the Watchdog’s Greatsword. Yes, it does not have the highest damage when compared to other Colossal swords in the game. But the reason it is the best is because of how much you can customize it and its minimum requirements. This sword can be infused with Ashes of War. And what makes it even better is you can buff it further using Magic and Consumables. This sword has the following stats:

  • Physical damage: 142
  • Critical damage: 100
  • Weight: 22

Watchdog’s Greatsword scales with Strength and Dexterity. In order to properly wield it you need the following stats:

  • Strength: 30
  • Dexterity: 10

By default, you get the Ash of War Stamp (Upward Cut). But again you can change it so that isn’t an issue.

In case you are looking for a good pre-built sword that you don’t need to modify much then these options are the best.

  • Starscourge Greatsword: This sword has the following stats:
    • Physical damage: 129
    • Magic damage: 83
    • Critical damage: 100
    • Weight: 20
  • Ruins Greatsword: This sword has the following stats:
    • Physical damage: 124
    • Magic damage: 37
    • Critical damage: 100
    • Weight: 23

Best Armor

Having proper armor is equally important as it can help improve your defense. I suggest you use any of the following armors based on how you have distributed the stats for your characters:

  • Beast Champion Set
    • Physical damage negation: 33.5
    • VS Strike damage negation: 31.5
    • VS Slash damage negation: 35.5
    • VS Pierce damage negation: 34.9
    • Weight: 41.6
  • Crucible Axe Set
    • Physical damage negation: 33.8
    • VS Strike damage negation: 27.3
    • VS Slash damage negation: 33
    • VS Pierce damage negation: 31.1
    • Weight: 36.9
  • Fingerprint Set
    • Physical damage negation: 26.5
    • VS Strike damage negation: 23.6
    • VS Slash damage negation: 23.6
    • VS Pierce damage negation: 23.6
    • Weight: 25.3

Best Stats

The best stats that you should level up for a Colossal Sword are:

  • Vigor
  • Strength
  • Dexterity

Once you have them leveled up till their soft caps, you should focus on leveling up your Intelligence or Faith based on the Colossal sword you plan on using. Lastly, be sure to regularly level up your Endurance so that you can equip heavier equipment. This will help you out if you need to use better armor.

That covers this guide on the best Colossal Sword Build to use in Elden Ring for in the Colosseum. If you need help on other such topics then also check out our other Elden Ring guides.